America is in serious jeopardy of becoming a Pure Democracy without the protection of a Constitution.The 235 year old Constitution is being attacked from all sides - the Extreme left calls it a 'Living document', a Document of legal structure and not law, a outline to be filled in by Congress and statute laws; as time and the political fortunes and popular winds might blow it. How has that thought system been working for the people, I ask?Are we not seeing our rights and liberties being reduced each and every year, as the three [federal] branches just basically ignore any limits stated in the original Constitution. The Congress says it can pretty much do as it pleases,... if it can pass the law.The Executive now says he will do as he pleases as he has a phone and pen to sign Executive orders. The Courts have such narrow limits, concerning who and when, We The People or our representatives can not bring suit against the other branches of government. 'Standing' is a court invention and Judges can find it open to interpretation, especially if, the applicant is of liberal philosophy. A perfect example is an environmentalist group vs. an Industry or group of businesses. The Courts favor championing these cases and casting opinions in favor of this popular 'progressive' agenda. Then as the political landscape changes, perhaps the Next Judge or Court could be more conservative and say 'no' to the Environmental group, and say 'yes' to the Industry and businesses. The laws being made by current politics and changing standards, instead of true, fair, unprejudiced, and permanent Constitutional standard.Clearly the government is out of control, and has changed to no longer respect The People's right to property - THEY take our property, while violating the "TAKING" clause of the fifth amendment, themselves. The THIEF is the Master, no longer a subject of the laws, but the 'violator' above them. Farmers can no longer farm their land, [or sportsmen access lands], if an endangered species [weed, insect, lizard or even a non-native fly] is said to have been seen on the land.Environmentalists found some small fish, and sued to cause the shutdown of irrigation in the California central valley - the government had contracted with the farmers to provide the irrigation water, and now using environmental activism and a fish, they break the contract. Many farmers lost their farms and were forced into bankruptcy - their legal rights were violated without just compensation. We The People were usurped by a fish.Children in large city, the ghettos have had Government take away the vouchers that permitted their children to escape a collapsed and failed central city school system. The Federal government sued to stop Louisiana from issuing vouchers, to mostly black students ironically, many of the most impoverished, vouchers that would have allowed that they could go to better schools. How much sense does it make to force children to attend schools that can not educate them or provide them with skill sets that would allow them a opportunity to find gainful employment.Job skills are not taught in most schools any more. Increasingly, we can see that the young can not find employment, either in jobs that require education skills, but also, as they have no trade or specific training to qualify them. Yet the federal government continues to demand more tax dollars to throw after the failing public school systems they have been socially engineering for decades.Our failing social 'net' programs have failed us too, and have created a sad paradigm, young women choose to have babies out of wedlock so they can qualify for all the welfare monies available, like Food Stamps, housing allowance, Medicaid, school meals [3 per day] and afterschool free child care at schools."The steady expansion of welfare programs can be taken as a measure of the steady disintegration of the Negro family structure over the past generation in the United States." Daniel Patrick Moynihan. He was correct, the rules stated to qualify for help, the husband or man could not live with the family. How stupid was that in retrospect? We do not address education or training programs that target and specifically aid these mothers in a trade that can help her support her family; help her to leave the condition of reliance and break the cycle of poverty - proven through generations to perpetuate itself.A further failure of The many public welfare programs] for the unemployed person, if they do any work outside of their 'assistance' they could lose their welfare benefits that exceed the small earnings allowed. I have a common sense suggestion, how about if we encouraged them to work and let them reduce the amount of welfare money they can collect by 25% of the earned amount? Yes - reward them for work! Help them move up the economic ladder, build a skill set and self esteem and establish the concept of self-reliance and independence.Consider the possibility, Could it be that the big city politicians want to keep control over the people and use them as voter farms? Yes, it is possible that people are being used, through encouraged dependency and perpetuating poverty and 'needy populations' for others to get and keep POWER OVER. Doing so by never really correcting the problems, just paying lip service to them, blaming the other political party for the conditions they in a turn, insure through pretended action and empathy.
Our Representative Democracy, correctly the 'Republic' upon which we were founded, is gone. Representative government today is just not working any longer to Protect We the People from Oppression and Tyranny . . the Federal government has continued to raise taxes, fees, permits, fines and other money collection methods to collect so much money. Money they in turn use to bribe voter blocks, or hold hostage our city, State and local governments, so they must do the bidding of 535 elected officials in Washington, DC.We see the foolish results of all these statutes, like 2400 pages of the ACA, 1500 page budget bills, no one reads these and they still pass them into laws which just do not work to benefit the citizens. [Inside of these massive bills they hide and attach many 'perks' for the special interests and/or added layers of more laws and regulation.] These mega laws benefit the Government, the layers and additions grow government agencies. The IRS, NSA, DOE, DOD, EPA and many other agencies have now proven that Congress can not even provide oversight. The agencies go rouge, their administrations conduct business without Congressional oversight, we have created a leviathan bureaucracy that cannot and is not managed. Now we have an executive that says he only needs a pen and a phone to get past Congress to do as he will, Executive orders are used to punish industries and segments of our industrial base, they are used to promote and implement an agenda that cannot pass through the legislative process.
Americans seem to be numb to all the abuse. The 24/7 news cycle drones every usurpation to mediocrity, we are no longer capable of being shocked. Disillusionment is the state where we just say - "well I tried, but electing new people does not change a thing, they are all the same?"In an attempt, by many Patriots, the ARTICLE V STATE AMENDMENT movement was born about ten years ago. Many have fought hard to educate the public that WE THE PEOPLE have the power to shut them down - we can end the Oppression and Tyranny from Washington. We are the People living in the States are the last line of defense, the wall, the brake applied to this over-reaching, out-of-control, usurping federal government.We can take back the majority of the money, stop the borrowing of our great grandchildren's money and freedoms. We can, by acting through our State Legislatures, regain our rights and freedoms using Article V to repeal the 14th, 16th, and 17th amendments, which will restore States rights and power. It will make the Senators report to our State Legislatures, it will make the courts withdraw usurped powers and start to respect the Limits of Article III of the Constitution of the United States again.Yes, fellow citizens we the people have the power to make government smaller, weaker and limited. The government that governs best is the one closest to the people. Local and State. Now the important questions come- "Are you mad enough to take action? Will you present ideas to your State legislators [all of them], and will you ask them to take Article V action to their legislative floor, and propose the Repeal Amendment found in the Article V Project to Restore Liberty Library.Each citizen has a responsibility to help govern our States and Nation. Voting is a right. With our votes we choose the people we trust to represent us and be our voice. Raising that voice in defense of restoring our Founding Document and demanding action that will stop the federal branches from usurping and ignoring the Constitution, is a responsibility.
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