- Comment byon January 5, 2012 at 10:11amVern, throughout the Discussions [particularly the very earliest ones] and on the wall, I have explained why the Federalist Papers are authoritative on the genuine meaning of the Constitution. They used to be generally recognized as such. The source I link to in many of my papers is the 1825 meeting of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia when they voted on what texts books to use in the Law School. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were present. I linked to the notes of this 1825 meeting in my last paper on Recess Appointments. Few here bothered to read that paper and it is a shame b/c I showed how easy it is to look things up in the Constitution and The Federalist Papers. IT IS BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T TROUBLE THEMSELVES TO DO THAT that we have all these problems. Even here, most people go with what they've been told or have always heard, instead of tossing that aside and looking at Our Constitution with clean eyes.E.g., People have heard that "the Rule of Law" means that the People obey the federal government, and that the legislative & executive branches obey the supreme Court. They have heard this rubbish and they believe it - worse, they repeat it. Even if they troubled themselves to read my paper on The Rule of Law, the LIE is so firmly planted in their minds that they are UNABLE to see the TRUTH. Most of what people believe is not true. There is a discussion on the Rule of Law where I show what it really means! Everyone here should understand what it really means. It is not difficult to grasp.Re the importance of The Federalist Papers: I'll make it really simple: We have two choices. EITHER we go by The Federalist Papers which "lock in" the original intent of the Constitution, OR we dismiss them and let the federal judges "interpret" Our Constitution any way they want.WE are destroying ourselves. We have got to start thinking and reevaluating what we have always believed. The stuff I am trying to get all of you to see is really very easy. It is the Lies people hang on to which blind them. Or the extraneous rubbish they look to.
- Comment byon January 5, 2012 at 11:21amPH - Is there a way you could challenge Neil Boortz, "Lawyer", on his arrogant Pro-Choice position? I get so ticked off when he goes on one of his rants like he did about 10 minutes ago. I'm afraid many people swallow his prattle.Mark & PH - From my short time here I am honored to read what you write. It is inspiring. I wish founding documents were part of required course work in every grade of a students life. By not doing so we allow our own destruction. Is there a Constitution coursework you might have PH?I am embarrassed to say, but have the courage to anyway, that I have not fully read any founding document.
- Comment byon January 5, 2012 at 12:57pm@ John Tribuiano: I explain about recess appointments and the constitutional remedy for the president's violations of Our Constitution in my recent paper on Recess appointments. READ IT! If you then have questions, ask.Mark: You continue to dazzle me. You are completely correct in what you say. Eloquent too. And Patient. The curse of our time is that everyone thinks he is an expert - people who don't know what they are talking about continue to spout off what they have heard others say about the Constitution; and everything they say is demonstrably FALSE. And their pride is so overweening that they insist upon their position. How one can have never read our founding documents, yet hear some babbling FOOL on FOX NEWS spout off about the Constitution, and repeat those lies as if they were Gospel, is beyond my comprehension. Perhaps it is the lure that one can pretend to be an expert and "knowing" about a subject w/o ever having done any work to actually become knowledgeable. I, PH, had to outline the Federalist Papers in order to understand them when I started reading them 50 years ago.Larry Self: Lawyers don't read The Constitution in law school. We read supreme Court opinions. But you can fix your ignorance. The Declaration of Independence and Our Constitution are short, simple documents. Read the first discussions I posted in this Group on how to get started. And DO IT! And get your family to do it too. Have classes in your home for your friends. The Constitution is a truly AMAZING elegant document. I continue to marvel at it.Mike Foil: AMEN! BTW, in law school, we referred to the supreme Court as "The Supreme Court". I never heard "SCOTUS" until I started posting on the internet. And I heard "POTUS" in some movies. You could have asked what they meant!
- Comment byon January 5, 2012 at 10:38pmJon: Quo Warranto refers to an ancient common law proceeding to challenge one's right to hold office. The proceeding would be against Richard Cordray - not against obama. So it would be a very weak response to what obama has done. Cowardly, really. You can read about Quo warranto here:If there were he-men & she-women in the House with brains, they would impeach obama for circumventing the Senate's constitutionally granted power to disapprove the president's nominations [see footnote 3 of my paper on recess appointments]. It matters not that the democrat controlled Senate would not convict. The Republicans could use this as an opportunity to demonstrate obama's lawlessness, to teach the Constitution, etc.But we have failed to elect the kind of people who have the brains & guts to deal effectively with lawless usurpers like obama.
- It may be difficult for some to search through the various discussions in this group in a logical order. Even though the first papers are numbered, it is easy to be distracted by some of the other discussions. Accordingly, I have taken a few minutes to put them in some kind of order easily accessed in one place.Some of these links will ask you to redirect to papers published at Canada Free Press. No worry, simply click the link and learn away.Part of our problem today is the vast amount of misinformation which is accepted as truth. Without an understanding of the basic concepts of our Constitution, the People themselves perpetuate these falsehoods. With a little effort YOU can understand the Constitution and the proper application of it to elected Representatives better than most federal judges and ALL current elected Congressmen.
- For new Members and Others
- Learning the U.S. Constitution
- The U.S.Constitution is based on God's Model of Polity
- The "Enumerated Powers of Congress
- Presidential Powers
- "Federalism"
- The Census and the "Rule of Law"
Then, armed with the knowledge gained from the above, learn more of the details...- Original Intent
- Definitions & Basic Concepts of Government
- Judicial abuse of the 14th Amendment
- An Elegant System of Checks and Balances
- Jury Nullification
- The Oath of Office
- What are Grounds for IMPEACHMENT?
- On Criminalizing Political Conduct
- State Nullification
Then some specific topics of importance:Folks these are not written in "legalese" or "words of art". Publius has organized and simplified the Constitution in a straight forward, no-nonsense manner. The papers are short, clear and condensed.Please make the investment to read these papers and help us restore "to ourselves and our posterity, the Blessings of Liberty". If not you- WHO? If not NOW-WHEN?
- Comment byon January 7, 2012 at 7:31amMark, thank you! You have organizational skills I lack. So that your post doesn't get buried in the wall, please make it a Discussion and I will make it a featured discussion.But it would be still better if you and Vern can figure out how to put it on the right side of this page - where it is now blank. Or what about that "Add a Page" thingy - can that be used?
- Comment byon January 7, 2012 at 9:10amThank you Mark and PH for the outline and a home for it, just what I was hoping for! It will allow for easier friend referral, and for course development for those motivated to do so.Vern - I suggest a promotional email be sent when PH is ready. This is gold.
- Comment byon January 7, 2012 at 2:15pmNothing useful for this purpose have I found to be written. Most fruitful public source would be NING Labs. The search can be narrowed from 11,000,000 articles with further criteria, of course.
- Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
- Comment byon January 14, 2012 at 9:35amThanks, Frank. Canada Free Press wouldn't publish it. Too "critical" of Marco Rubio. Question: WHO selects the "stars" of the Tea Party movement? I say we are being co-opted by big government statists who are selecting our "stars" for us. There are some wolves in sheeps' clothing who are pretending to be on our side but are not. As our Lord said, you know them by their fruits. WHO is pushing Rubio for vice president? WHO is calling for a con con? I could go on and on. And will in another paper.WE need to start examining these people who are chosen by others to be our "stars" and repudiating those who don't share our philosophy of returning to the enumerated powers of the federal government.
- Comment byon January 14, 2012 at 10:12amI support requiring candidates take a US Constitution course. Recently Judson asked for items we should vet our candidates with and that wasone of mine as well as another suggestion in the same post where I volunteered you PH : ). I believe Sean Hannity speaks of a course by Hillsdale College. Is that a good one PH?I like Rubio and would hope he would be amenable to learning the US Constitution more deeply. I prefer this before throwing him under the bus.
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