- Taxes paid by segments and incomes.
- Let us review our what we really want = Freedom and Liberty to make out own laws in our own Republic [State]. Well we all have that today read the Constitution - the compact promises that each State shall be a separate Sovereign REPUBLIC with all powers and rights not specifically loaned to the Federal Government. While these States retained all powers not included in the Articles of the Constitution and the 10th amendment so states.So, at issue is not rather the Founders - Framers - Ratifiers intended the States to have MOST of the powers and for the Federals to have little power over the many States for it is quite clear that the States were to have the powers to protect the citizens from a tyrannical oppressive Federal government if necessary. Thus the States were given nullification powers to just say no to any Federal usurpation. Well the Courts got involved in two cases that become the basis of loss of freedom and liberties for the states and the people.Marbury V. Madison in which the Supreme gave itself without legislative approval of Constitutional authorization the powers of Judicial Review or the nine became the final arbiter in all legal matters. Next after this usurpation the Court again in the McCullough V Maryland case the court found new law again and gave extra unstated powers to clauses in Article I section 8 - this expanding the ability of the Federal government to usurp power and oppress the States.Now comes civil war and then the 14th amendment which the Courts use to further oppress states rights and powers by placing them under the Bill of Rights - which the Founders - Framers - Ratifiers clearly did not intend or they would have so stated in the Articles and the Bill of Rights. This reach through has been used by the Courts to order States to change school admission standards, voting district makeup, school subjects, health treatment for the poor, welfare distribution, land use matters, property rights issues [EPA, Endangered Species Act] and the list goes on. Read Article III which is the limit on the Courts powers and then find language where they are authorized to do any of the things they do?Now we go to taxes, in 1913 the income tax bill was passed after the SC found many attempts unconstitutional because Article I Section 9 makes them tax per enumeration [head count equal to all] - now the Federal government had the power to tax income without enumeration so they could now apply a tax percentage to earnings. However, Congress then decided to create a PROGRESSIVE INCOME TAX where as the individual earned more money the government would "TAKE" a increasing percentage up to the new laws limits. This PROGRESSIVE TAX is not authorized anywhere that I can find so it is then a possible violation of the 5th amendment "TAKING" clause where if the government takes property [money, business, land, buildings, income, items of value] even for the benefit of all then the owner of that property must receive JUST COMPENSATION. no REDISTRIBUTION IS ALLOWED. Here is what Madison said about this question -I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents. – Annals of Congress (1794-01-10) James MadisonI am short on time but shall return to discuss the 17th amendment and then I will present the conclusions I have found and what can be done to repare the usurped powers damage to the States.
- Benjamin Franklin:
Alexander Hamilton:John Adams:James Madison:John Quincy Adams:Thomas Jefferson:
- Comment by1 hour agoVern,The subject of "secession" has been extensively covered both on this site (see "Revisiting Secession...") as well as other conservative sites. It's not at all rocket science, so DON'T ask a lawyer, most of whom know very little about the Constitution itself. They know lots about revisionist case law, faulty precedents and twisting words to win arguments, but NOT about what the framers and RATIFIERS understood the Constitution to mean.The short of it is that the USA is a compact (contract) which the sovereign States voluntarily entered into on the condition that each party (feds and States) faithfully and fully upholds the terms of that contract. When eitehr party to that contract fail abide by the terms of that contract, the contract is without force on the other party. When thinking either about nullification or secession think 10th Amendment and unalienable rights. Those powers not specifically delegated by the sovereign States to the federal government (too numberous to enumerate) are reserve to the States and the People. The founders weren't idiots. They understood exactly what they were doing and fully understood the limitations of the union. Understand that the Founders never, ever believed this contract to be in perpetuity and, in fact, most predicted it would not last. The "indivisibility" notion was the politically expedient invention of hardcore nationalists like Lincoln, Webster, et. al. and not of Founders like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, et. al. Also, remember that the people are the final arbiters of what is and what is not constitutional, and are inherently empowered to withdraw from any contract which does not fully protect their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Union-at-any-price was not condoned or in any way embraced. Forced indivisibility is incompatible with liberty and republicanism.Secession isn't a southern thing, a slavery thing. The Hartford Convention (1814) in New England makes that clear, and before the outbreak of hostilities in 1861 most major northern newspapers condoned the principle of secession and, most certainly, nullification as well.For starters, read "Rethinking the American Union..." by D. Livingston. Other great and learned publications availalble as well.Of course, this latest of round of secession petitions is nothing more than a protest, nothing more. Seceding requires a definable process, and successful secession requires a majority of State residents to support the act.
- More from Jim DelaneyWHAT IF?(An Urgent Call for Convention)On patriotic sites, I often read commenters’ heart-felt frustrations over both the unchecked lawlessness of the federal government as well as the painful absence of effective and concerted remedial action on the part of patriots everywhere to correct those abuses.WHAT IF Obama is re-elected and stubbornly continues on his reckless course to “fundamentally transform the US of A”?WHAT IF he, his progressive allies and acquiescent politicians on the other side of the political aisle continue to ignore and, by their neglect, enable the federal government’s continuing to routinely flout and undermine the US Constitution with impunity?My sense is that for millions of patriots, four more years of progressive tyranny would be a bridge too far. Backs to the wall and fearing for their lives, liberties and their ability to pursue happiness, my guess is that these patriots would, with proper leadership and in a spirit of civic-mindedness, tenaciously and unselfishly commit to taking all appropriate action to arrest America’s transformation and to otherwise nullify progressive tyranny.With the Constitution as their guide, among these countless patriots, political accommodation, appeasement and compromise would be adjudged odious, self-destructive and, yes, treasonous. Seriously committed to restoring constitutional & economic order as well as to safeguarding and applying the foundational doctrines of “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” at all levels of government, my guess is that the resulting societal and political impact on the nation would be historical in both scope and intensity.At least, that is my fervent hope.Desperate, the question then becomes how can patriots, short of open rebellion, effectively push back and stop the progressive/statist tide, failing which Americans everywhere must, by their ineffective action or silence, reconcile themselves to subservience to the State?While I’m sure my proposal doesn’t break new ground, here it is anyway:First and foremost, to be effective, organized patriotic resistance must be rigidly guided by participants’ unwavering and fearless pledge to uphold, defend and fully implement the original meaning and intent of the Constitution of the United States as well as the Constitutions of the several States. Importantly, personal agendas and self-serving playbooks cannot be permitted to play any part whatsoever.Secondly, to effectively counter the power elite, and while retaining their independence from one another, patriotic organizations around the country must link up BEFORE the election returns are tabulated and pledge their “patriotic cooperation” to effect a reversal of progressive tyranny and to return to the foundational principles of constitutional governance.Third, if Obama is re-elected, all patriotic organizations should immediately dispatch representatives to a “national convention of patriots” (ironic were it to be convened in Philadelphia) to develop both a list of grievances, again firmly grounded in the Constitution and our founding documents-- not in short-sighted parochial or self-aggrandizing considerations--and a corresponding list of specific strategies for effective, widespread and well-coordinated civil disobedience and other activist engagement. (Among countless others, these initial grassroots strategies might well entail widespread refusal to pay various taxes/fees whose payment would constitute a clear violation of the Constitution; actively resisting EPA bullying by on-site demonstrations of solidarity with those job-creating industries (coal?) which have been especially injured by EPA overreach; developing a draft of Article V reforms; pressing State legislative representatives to resist federal overreach and to encourage States to immediately assume control over and to drill for oil/gas in those “federal lands” illegally held by the federal government. Obviously, the possibilities are endless . But, you get the picture.) Representatives might opt to extend invitations to constitutional scholars and historians to elicit their input and participation as well.The burning question is what organizers of which creditable patriotic organizations already in existence who already enjoy notoriety and a following are willing to take the lead in this patriotic networking effort? What knowledgeable organizers are willing to initiate contacts with other national and local grassroots patriotic organizations to propose this patriotic network and convention of patriots? Who’s willing to step up? All we need is leadership.Finally, this: even if Obama ISN’T re-elected, why wouldn’t a “National Constitutional Convention of Patriots” be entirely appropriate? Both progressivism, the enemy of republicanism, and an insidious disregard for and ignorance of the original meaning of the Constitution on the part of our other political elites--both on the left and right--constitute an insidious contagion, a “clear and present danger”, which imperils both our way of life and our republican form of government.If, indeed, and as provided for in the Constitution and by the framers and ratifiers of same, We the People are the final arbiters of what is and what is not constitutional, and if We the People are, in fact, sovereign and pre-eminent in this republican system of government, then the duty rests squarely on our shoulders to remedy the “train of abuses”.No more excuses. No more inaction. No more let-the-other-guy-do-it. No more therapeutically preaching or venting to the choir. Going forward, we must fully understand that only active, constructive, effective and unified nationwide grassroots engagement will turn the authoritarian tide and restore constitutional order.I pray someone steps up to help move this grassroots effort forward. Gov. Palin? Tea Party organizers/blogs? So many excellent possibilities too numerous to suggest here.Truth is millions of patriots are chomping at the bit to make a REAL difference. Individually, we are reduced to whining, frustrated victims of tyranny. United, well-coordinated and firm in our civic-minded conviction to restore public trust and constitutional order, we millions are a powerhouse and can absolutely influence the direction both of our States and our nation.If the re-election of Obama doesn’t spur us to effectively act in patriotic concert with one another, just what will—ever?What are your thoughts/suggestions?“What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance.” Thomas Jefferson“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson“Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.” John Locke
The new boom: Shale gas fueling an American industrial revival
MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/GETTY IMAGES - Workers change pipes at a drilling rig exploring the Marcellus Shale outside Waynesburg, Pa. in April 2012.The shale gas revolution is firing up an old-fashioned American industrial revival, breathing life into businesses such as petrochemicals and glass, steel and toys.Consider the rising fortunes of Ascension Parish, La.477Comments- Weigh In
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SPECIAL REPORT |Three journalists traveled the proposed pipeline route. Learn more about their journey.Methanex Corp., which closed its last U.S. chemical plant in 1999, is spending more than half a billion dollars to dismantle a methanol plant in Chile and move it to the parish.Nearby, a petrochemical company,Williams, is spending $400 million toexpand an ethylene plant. And on Nov. 1,CF Industries unveiled a $2.1 billion expansion of its nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing complex, aiming to displace imports that now make up half of U.S. nitrogen fertilizer sales.These companies all rely heavily on natural gas. And across the country, companies like them are crediting the sudden abundance of cheap natural gas for revving up their U.S. operations. Thanks to new applications of drilling technology to unlock natural gas trapped in shale rock, the nation’s output has surged and energy experts almost unanimously forecast that prices will remain low or moderate for a generation. The International Energy Agency says that by 2015, the United States will overtake Russia as the world’s biggest gas producer.“The supply of natural gas and the price are the driving factors, and we’re swimming in natural gas down here,” said Mike Eades, president of the Ascension Economic Development Corp.Ascension Parish falls inside the Haynesville geological region — one of the nation’s big shale gas prospects.“It has become clear to me that the responsible development of our nation’s extensive recoverable oil and natural gas resources has the potential to be the once-in-a-lifetime economic engine that coal was nearly 200 years ago,” U.S. Steel Chairman John Surma said in a speech this year.Industrial companies are betting that the surge in the domestic production of natural gas is much more than a blip. Cheap and plentiful supplies of natural gas are flooding the U.S. market, and prices in the United States are as low as a quarter of what they are in Europe or Asia.“For the foreseeable future, thanks to the recovery of vast U.S. underground gas deposits of shale, natural gas is likely to remain 50 to 70 percent cheaper in the U.S. than in Europe and Japan,” said a recent report by the Boston Consulting Group.“That will translate into significantly lower costs for electricity generation, for fuel used to power industrial plants and for feedstock used across many industrial processes,” said Justin Rose, a BCG principal and co-author of the report.Manufacturers have plans to invest as much as $80 billion in U.S. chemical, fertilizer, steel, aluminum, tire and plastics plants, according to Dow Chemical. And the main reason, said George J. Biltz, Dow Chemical’s vice president for energy and climate change, “comes back to the massive competitive advantage the United States has with natural gas today.”A changing conversationThe shale boom has not just changed corporate plans. It has also altered the way we think and talk about oil and gas.
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