Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Goldwater page 123

Good honest stuff. I have been looking for this, but it's all right here and correct. Thanks.
Read the regulations on any business or industry you chose just google " federal regulations on _ _ _ _ _".
You will find more to read than you can believe. Try to start a manufacturing business making BBQ out of copper, stainless steel, and chrome plated parts in your home town. It will take you most of one year just to get approvals for performing the operations on site and then you must have heavy industrial zoning, a hazard material handling license, onerous insurance and a sewer discharge monitoring system. Before long you will just throw up your regulated hands and go to Asia and contract out the production and have product in four weeks to sell here in America.

Get real folks the banks and brokers were regulated by three or four agencies, the oil and gas industry was regulated by at least ten agencies. Problems and accidents occur the regulations can not avoid or prevent well blow outs or recessions in the financial industries. Regulations just issue power and cover to the politicians and increase the cost of every item we use or eat.
Perhaps we could say Government involvement Always is a disaster, Cliff!
Free markets can figure it out, and quickly.
A tweak here, a tweak there, no problem. The customer always pays for it in the end. But only the added cost, or he'll lose his customers to competitors!

The free market cannot react to constantly changing ground rules. Not ever! Planning is not possible, unless one knows with some certainty what is to be planned FOR.

Recovery is not possible, now. The best hope is gridlock, after November (or December, actually, the Lame duck session!) I hope for stability then. Or, I am toast! I'll be lookin' for a sale on tin cups, and a street-corner one day, perhaps!
Please tell me you are kidding, right??? The "mess" was created by people like Barney Franks, Billy Boy Clinton, and other extreme liberals demanding that banks provide home loans through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack to people who could not afford them!!! Clinton sent out his "hit woman" Janet Reno (who ordered the murders of women and children both at Ruby Ridge and down in Texas) and demanded that both banks and real estate companies show and fund homes to people who simply COULD NOT AFFORD THEM, AND THE GOVERNMENT KNEW THIS GOING IN. I lived in Little Rock for a few years. The state-wide joke there was "the citizens were so glad when Bill was elected president, because it got him 'the hell out of the state," before he had stollen or wasted the states' last dime!!" Wake UP!! This was the DEMS way of BUYING VOTES, and you and your tax dollars have suffered greatly because of it. Soros is the exception! He is a communist, and knows exactly what will happen since he is pulling the OBAMA strings! And, to top it off, George W. was so criticized, yet CONGRESS was made up fully of DEMS who wasted every dime they could and they were the ones in office. The president can't do much if he isn't on the same side as the congress. Time to wake up!
You have situation 180* out of direction. First under the Republican Congress they did spend to much money bu they did support businesses and got out of the way. With government out picking winners and losers like: WINNERS - Union Autos, Union civil service employee, State workers Unions, Teachers Pension plans, insurance companies, some banks, some wall street brokers, some green manufactures, Freddie and Fanny - LOSERS Mining, farming, factories, medical services, oil/gas development, nuclear power plants, timber harvesting, ship building, train car manufacturing, machine parts manufacturing, small business financing, consumer bank loans, individual pension funds, home values.

Well, the truth is not always pleasant - the millions of jobs that have been lost to China, India and Asia were just flat regulated out of America by the EPA, DOE, OSHA, high taxes, Unions and uncertain future rules. Industry after industry have been attacked by the left for 100 years; just look at the speeches Obama has given attacking big everything even when he had the government buy the business.

Businesses grow and expand on certainty of the next 5 years, 10 years and 20 years market climate. Do you want to bet your company on which business will be singled out for attack next? I think not. So, employers are not holding off hiring people to sway an election or two - they are waiting to see if they are going to be taxed or regulated out of existence.

Obama, now proposes limited tax features like accelerated deprecation on equipment, limited targeted tax credits all designed to permit the administration Social engineer industries. Are you kidding me NONE of his inner circle has ever worked for a private industry. They are all Professors, life time bureaucrats, FED economists, Fed members and the list goes on, but none have had to make a payroll on Friday and not have the Money on Wednesday to cover the checks - called sweating bullets.
One word will prove that we drove the industries out of the country and yes it was because of costs to meet EPA, Species act, DOE, FDA, USDA, and a hundred more agencies each adding a regulation and the cost of monitoring the regulations. So the one word is REGULATIONS.

Business seeks the best available solution to the intended goal and as always it must make a profit or no one will invest in the endeavor. BP was inspected and approved by the regulators or most likely ten agencies - DOE, OSHA, insurance inspectors, government inspectors, and many others. So they made a mistake and they are taking care of it. What additional regulation would have prevented the problem - none I submit.
Read this it will explain how government regulations just add to cost and support politicians with money and power.
The article shows what regulators do and how they damage the society and remove freedoms while lining their own pockets. Goes to show that word searches do not tell the factual story. Defining what creates regulations and shows the results of same can be done without the word.
Rule 11 Lawyer sanction rules.
Fireside Chat on Reorganization of the Judiciary, March 9, 1937

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