George Washington,
who, in reference to our constitution, warned,
"Let there be no change [in the Constitution] by usurpation.
For though this, in one instance may be the instrument of good, it is the customary
weapon by which free governments are destroyed."Read page one about FDR and the Supremes . . is part of the above:Hughes prevailed on Roberts to desert the Conservative camp, swing over with him and join the three liberals in declaring the
social security cases [Steward Machine Co. v. Davis
(301 us 548, May 24, 1937)]
Constitutional.[4] [P.56]
This Roberts did, and by
so doing, took the wind from the sails of the President's court packing plan.
It went back to committee and died. one
Administration official called the court's action,
"the switch in time that saved nine."
This decision said in effect, Congress would no longer be held to enumerated powers but instead could tax and spend for anything; so
long as it was for "general welfare."
But the words "General Welfare" in the introduction to the enumerated powers of Article I Section 8 were never intended to
be an object for extension of the power to tax and spend; and up
until the cases noted above, no court ever so averred.[Appx. 1]
The supreme court surrendered to the new deal on the most fundamental of constitutional issues. "it is scarcely conceivable
that Chief Justice Hughes and Justice Roberts... were unaware of
the political implications of their move. the President had lost a
battle but won a war.
In a remarkable series of decisions . ..the
Court executed the most abrupt change of face in its entireOK here is the question: can the Court Prove the Marbury V Madison and the McCulloch V Maryland cases had a proper "FOUNDATION" to argue the case. Was the argument contrived and thus a usurping? If the court overreached in the two cases would the 200 + years of Case Law Theory precedent be voided? Was Marshall just ignoring the limits of Article III limits, did he import Hamiltons paper on Manufacturing in McCulloch as case law precedent when the paper was only dicta [side bar] in another case and therefore not "A PRECEDENT"?With research and some writing a paper in the form of Supreme Court amicus curiae can we prove that Marshall was wrong and the Courts have been usurping powers not held? Can we then submit the amicus to the court for reading?Who is interested in being involved with this work product?
- Leftist Anger Explained:I tend to think the arrogance and rage displayed by liberals is more demonstrative of who they really are at their core than anything we conservatives, libertarians, or anything slightly less Left than the angry leftists do or don’t do. The rage is what drives them to be liberal in the first place. They despise any limitations on their behavior, anyone who might hold them accountable, or any thought that they might not be allowed to do as they wish.The rage stems from their own deep-seated guilt and self-loathing, projected onto everyone else around them. To disagree with them only exacerbates their pain, because it suggests they might be wrong, which raises, in their minds, the whole specter of accountability and judgment for their unwise choices.This is also why the Left is so quick to blame the consequences for their choices, actions, and policies on others. They will not tolerate anything that makes them look bad -- or worse, feel bad -- so every decision must be the right one because they WILL it to be so. They deny both standards of right and wrong as well as reality itself, believing it all to be a socially-constructed prison…because that’s what they WANT to believe, so they can, in some sense, deny their true culpability.Any kind of authority--whether it be God, religious, governmental, constitutional, police, military, parental, cultural or social--is going to be viewed as “the enemy,” unless it is their own self-authority.They are narcissists, driven by their narcissism to scapegoat the world around them rather than accept their own flaws or endure the pain of growing up. They are what M. Scott Peck called “The People of the Lie.” They are evil, some more so than others, some less so. Regardless, if you push them to check their premises or do any real thinking at all, you will push them to the point of their own emotional infantilism, and they will break wide open into full blown rage.That is the nature of their mental disease. No amount of counseling can overcome it. They must willingly surrender it. And if not, we must either choose to let it fester, or choose to neutralize the threat, hopefully by isolating them and destroying the potential they have to influence others (like what happened to Dan Rather).By Michael J. Scott in a comment to an article by Judson Phillips, Tea Party Nation, 4/28/11
- Since it is generally believed that the young were most responsible for the election and reelection of Obama. And now they are having it shoved in their faces that he does not really care about them, only their votes. Now that the expenses of Obamacare are hitting them, so maybe we could start instilling those values in them now. I would think they are ripe for the truth to be told to them.
- That is my sincere hope, how ever we have issues with our right side and the various single issue factions. The Evangelicals and the ultra conservative stayed home and did not vote in 2008 - and 2012 - we lost both the Presidency and the Senate as 4 million just stayed away. For some reason they can not see that the down ballots - Senate, House and then the State and local offices also were destroyed.So, that is when I really cranked up the effort to do the Article V as elections over 125 years have not changed the growth and usurped powers.
- Thank you, Carol. In one of my other posts, I wrote: Aristotle made it a point to look for first principles; I make it a point to look for principles first.Like Diogenes, I'm still looking.
- We're all looking, primarily for ways out of this quagmire. Which points up the fact that, in the end, we agree more than we disagree.In the meantime, there are more recent posts waiting for insightful interpretations and contributions from all you guys. May you all have a pleasant and productive day.
- Well Jeff, we have your measure. I had hoped for more but, to be honest, I got what I expected - emotion, ad hominem commentary and cowardice.Let's hope you never meet a liberal. He'll take undue comfort in the belief that we're all like you - all hat an no cattle.
- Enoch,Taunts and parting shots do not become you. I am obliged to refer you toTOS.Please don't force the mods to take further action.
- Carol, allow me to remind you:"Wisner, why don't you write your own posts instead of these editorials you spread in the posts of others? Why not tell us all what you believe in an article of your own?I know why you don't because that's not your purpose.
- You didn't read what I wrote, you're so busy with your own liberal agenda of spreading confusion and dispelling unity in conservative ranks. Your inappropriate and liberal-identifying reference to what you suppose is the state of my genitals in an earlier comment tells me all I need to know about you. Like Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir and countless others, it's the kind of comment we've become accustomed to seeing from liberals in attacking conservatives."===I gave Jeff what he requires to demonstrate my liberal affinities. Of course, there are none, and that has been manifest throughout. If, in that light, my account of Jeff is not accurate, by all means, suggest a more accurate one. If the worst I have done is commit the faux pas of publishing an unsavory truth, however, I regret that contrition is quite impossible.
- more thing:"Wisner, why don't you write your own posts instead of these editorials you spread in the posts of others?"I did.
Our Domestic "Vietnam"
- I think we all should take a step back and think about this; The 2012 election became the antithesis of the 2010 election simply because in the 2010 election everyone was united and focused on stopping a singular thing, Obamacare and removing the people who supported it. Now it seems that all the unity has become fragmented and we are turning against each other for no good reason. I'll go out on a ledge here and attribute this current phenomenon to all of us being close to burned out due to the response or lack of it we are getting from our representatives. It's time to bury our differences or at the very least agree to disagree and move forward towards our selected goal of getting an Article V amendment proposal convention called. If i'm out of line or if I have misread the intent of the thread and I admit I have not read it all I hereby apologize to any and all for my comments made in ignorance of all of the facts. All I can say is if we want to succeed, we will have to create and project a solid unified and focused force dedicated to our combined goal.
- I am in 100% agreement and in fact I wrote a long piece on Reagan and the BIG TENT - room must be made for all - these L and I and some R are just venting and they stayed home in 2012 so my money says they stay home in 2014. I was part of the Reagan campaign and knew all the players including the President.So, I know how it was done but now is a time of many factions and all are not honest brokers - many have undisclosed agendas . . I hope the right and center right can come together - many will just stay home as it is a non presidential year. Some one has to fire up the right and unite it again with the evangelicals - conservatives will not win except in the deep REDs - so count on turnout to carry the day.Keep in mind that R V D polls on Congressional approval mean zero for voters always blame the others not theirs.
- Mangus, here is a simple way to get the turn out we need, but it hinges on people actually getting up off their butts and going out to actually do something. I know for a fact that the Progressive Democrats are already out there stumping and doing these things especially at nursing homes because my wife works at one and has said they have come in already;1. In our own neighborhoods, taking an area of no more than ten blocks, or ten floors of a high rise apartment building per group, or canvassing an Adult assisted living center or nursing home is where we need to start. We need to get everyone out canvassing these places to see in everyone is registered to vote, has a way to get to and back from the polls, or has signed up or needs to be signed up for an absentee ballot.2. Get a voter registration list from your county clerks office, they are public documents and usually you can just get the clerk to e-mail you a copy. Use this list while canvassing to verify the people listed are alive and actually at the addresses listed on the voter list. Keep a record of anomalies ( voters listed that are not there ). Certify the anomalies on the list are correct, have it notarized when you are done canvassing, and turn it in to the person in charge of elections. Give a certified "True Copy of Original" to the Clerk, and keep a certified true copy of original for use in challenging fraudulent voters the polls.3. When you have found out who needs transportation to and from the polls set up volunteers to shuttle them but make sure the volunteers get a one day rider on their insurance policies to cover them for any damages should an accident happen. Also get information from the clerk for the procedure and requirements to sign people up for absentee votes, and sign up those in need.4. Start now to get our people into positions at all the Precinct polling places. Positions like Precinct Chairs, Poll watchers, vote counters, challengers, any positions we can get into that are substantially volunteer positions. There will usually be a training requirement.5. This is important now, and even more so for a presidential election. Have a few people designated to watch outside for any voter intimidation and verify it through Photo's, cell phone videos,etc., and have those set up to transmit the information to a safe location ( like a lawyers computer files, or a trusted family member not using a computer in your house, etc.) at a moments notice. Also have three designated people, to be outside watchers at the polls, each with a different police agency number on their speed dial to immediately call the State Police, County Sheriff, and Local Police, and pre-arrange a signal where all three are called simultaneously if there is any physical violence, intimidation or threats in evidence.6. Optional, Have a flying squadron in a mobile format that can be called to make a show of strength if our people are threatened at the polls. Don't originate any violent act or start a confrontation, but don't be afraid to defend yourselves if necessary, and it would be a good idea to have someone off to the side making a video that shows who originated the confrontation or violence against us.
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