- Conspiracy theory links . . .Collectivism and Monopolies
The Collectivist Conspiracy
Glenn Beck Interviews G. Edward Griffin
One World Government
A New Currency is Coming Soon Part 1
- The Five Thousand Year LeapThe reason that this course of study is so important is that it outlines the 28 principles upon which our nation was founded.The things that we believe govern our actions and ultimately determine our destiny. The reason our country is on the verge of destruction is due to the fact that the people have lost their moral compass. In order to restore our Constitutional Republic we must rediscover the principles that were embraced by our Founding Fathers.The 5,000 Year Leap contains the recipe for peace, prosperity and freedom.
The following 14 video presentations are an introduction to the "5,000 Year Leap".There are a total of 28 principles that are the foundation of sound government.The Princples of Liberty
America's 5,000 Year Leap
The Value of Knowing Principles
The Political Spectrum
Natural Law
A Free People Must Be Virtuous
The Proper Role of Government
The Frailties of Leaders
Property Rights
Separation of Powers
Strong Local Self Government
No Entangilng Alliances
Avoid the Burden of Debt
Manifest DestinyCopy this into your email and then change text color if necessary.
- Peter Schweizer of the Government Accountability Institute has an article calling on Congress to start taxing municipal-bond interest as ordinary income:According to Schweizer, the Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that eliminating the tax break for municipal-bond interest would generate $124.4 billion over the next decade. John McKinnon and Andrew Ackerman of the Wall Street Journal report that the Obama administration and congressional Republicans seem open to the idea of at least curbing this deduction:This sounds promising, and it could be part of a larger tax deal that could advance pro-market objectives.