- Facts: the worst schools are in BIG cities, the worst most corrupt governments are in BIG cities, the highest crime rates are in BIG cities, UNIONS control most BIG cities, MOST BIG CITIES HAVE BEEN GOVERNED BY DEMOCRATS FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS - conclusion - Democrats are racist that want to hold down minorities so they are dependent on Democrats for MONEY to live - most BIG cities have the highest unemployment.DEMOCRAT VOTER PLANTATIONS - DEMOCRATS ARE THEREFORE OVERSEERS.Join this project for LIBERTY - WE THE PEOPLE CAN TAKE OUR GOVERNMENT BACK - just do it get involved form groups in your neighborhoods and use the Project to Restore huge library to study your rights and the words of the Original Founders. Videos for the Children . . all can learn the truth,The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
- YES . . .Not allowed to infringe is used by the OPEN Constitution progressives. Strict Originalist like me just look at the exact words in the Constitution and limit the word meaning to those of the times [I uses the 1828 Webster free on web] -
Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.1828 DefinitionINFRINGE, v.t. infrinj'. [L. infringo; in and frango,to break. See Break.]US Constitution.org says -In the context of the Constitution, phrases like "shall not be infringed," "shall make no law," and "shall not be violated" sound pretty unbendable, but the Supreme Court has ruled that some laws can, in fact, encroach on these phrases. For example, though there is freedom of speech, you cannot slander someone; though you can own a pistol, you cannot own a nuclear weapon.Arms definition has been scrubbed from the 1828 dictionaryIt is not only important, but, in a degree necessary, that the people of this country, should have an American Dictionary of the English language; for, although the body of the language is the same as in England, and it is desirable to perpetuate that sameness, yet some differences must exist. Language is the expression of ideas; and if the people of one country cannot preserve an identity of ideas, they cannot retain an identity of language.WordsDefinitionsWebsterKJVTo be ...
These Bibles or ...... Completed
... Maybe you pick two (KJV vs Young's Literal) if logged in1828 DefinitionA form of this word [arms] is NOT found in the 1828 dictionary.1913 DefinitionTHIS exact word [arms] is NOT found in the 1913 dictionary.
- David they wanted us to have cannons, rockets, bombs, grenades, mortars - do not give up our rights to have all defensive weapons of the time . .1828 Definition'ARMS, n. plu. [L. arma.]
- Biden needs to read the Constitution and accept it as written for there is no section that allows changes for word or deed except using the Article V amendment process. So, here is what he is faced with as is the Congress and the SC – they have limits that they can not overcome . .Amendment 2 – Right to Bear Arms<>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.1828 Definition
‘ARMS, n. plu. [L. arma.]1. Weapons of offense, or armor for defense and protection of the body.
2. War; hostility.
Arms and the man I sing.
To be in arms, to be in a state of hostility, or in a military life.
To arms is a phrase which denotes a taking arms for war or hostility; particularly, a summoning to war.
To take arms, is to arm for attack or defense.
Bred to arms denotes that a person has been educated to the profession of a soldier.1828 Definition
INFRINGE, v.t. infrinj’. [L. infringo; in and frango,to break. See Break.]1. To break, as contracts; to violate, either positively by contravention, or negatively by non-fulfillment or neglect of performance. A prince or a private person infringes an agreement or covenant by neglecting to perform its conditions, as well as by doing what is stipulated not to be done.
2. To break; to violate; to transgress; to neglect to fulfill or obey; as, to infringe a law.
3. To destroy or hinder; as, to infringe efficacy. [Little used.]According to the 2nd amendment we can have cannons, rockets, mortars, bombs, guns of all types and varieties used to make war or defend one family and nation. They have opened Pandora’s not they can explain the above statement which has escaped.
- Governments at all levels are broke - the dominoes are starting to fall . . . . The policy of bribe governance is over for all levels of government - it will also stop as a foreign relations weapon - no more bribe money is available - Progressive free social programs are coming to a end as the governments at all levels just do not have the funds and neither do the citizens.
- JW,yes there are tow distinct sides those that believe the Constitution SAYS WHAT IT MEANS AND MEANS WHAT IT SAYS . . word for word in the meanings of the time of writing. We would be called Literalist or Originalist. The other side is the OPEN frame work or living constitution that the SC or the legislature/executive can change at will to expand and modernize - My question to them is always the same - where is the language in the Original Constitution that would permit that? They get mad then and call you names . . then ask them why the Founders - Framers - Ratifiers inserted the Article V amendment process - clearly they intended it to be correctable but with some requirement of wide agreement among the many States . .If the open or living constitution pushers were correct in their view then we have no Constitution or RULE - BY - LAW society but a open compact that is a Democracy ruled by a simple majority vote. Again ask them for specific language in the Constitution that would authorize such action as to become a RULE - BY - MAN society. See they have no facts which is typical of Progressive debate.
- I have seen this before - the person knows zero ABOUT NATIONAL POLITICS the house and the Senate can not be won by the Rs unless they take more moderate position on many issues - it has always been this way - the Rockefeller republicans - all middle of the road country club types and the entire east coast and west coast is comprised of that persuasion. Conservatives make up about 30 to 40% of the voting public depending on the poll - now voting is different - 47% as Romney said have been bought and paid for with tax dollars from the Democrats and Republicans but the Rs get no credit for any Progressive programs and they had many . . so now if you take a 100% conservative view point you will have your hat handed to you as has happened in California, NY, Mass, Oregon, Washington, the NE, Florida, ND, SD, Mont. and more are just not supporting hard conservative options.So, to stand tall on one side of a teeter-doter and have those on the center right and left of center stand on the other - when they jump the Conservatives will be tossed in the ocean and lost forever. It is pure foolishness to even think that way = total loser theory - these people will not even get 170 elected to the national house and maybe 30 Senators at best. AV is the only way - no money or power in DC they will all leave and then those leaning conservative will move to conservative States and the left will have their own. My bet is soon the left loses most of the States as they like California go broke with broken promises all over the State.The Politics of realityMangus Colorado
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