- Maybe what I am doing is to debunk the JBS, Eagle Forum and other anti article V protesters. Many keep just repeating the same false items.You have not answered - What does the Constitution LIMIT? Who does the Constitution limit?Now read and explain how any of your stated requirements that have no language to support the requirements you post would not be allowed under the 10th amendment as a proper State power . . the States kept what from the Federal government?
- The only way to correct is ARTICLE V I will make another attempt to disprove the Talking points of JBS, Eagle Forum and a FEW other outliers that deny the words of the Constitution as it says what it means and means what it says.Col. you fail to produce any language that limits the States from action on their own - you insult the FF&R by assuming that they would not provide the many States with a method to correct tyranny and oppression by usurpation of the Central government.You underlined one part of the Article V why did you not include the other part? , when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress;The convention you speak to is the one to RATIFY - there is no prohibition of the State legislatures from meeting and proposing a specific amendment for their Legislatures to vote up or down . . now if 34 vote to approve Congress "SHALL" CALL FOR THE STATES TO HOLD VOTES TO RATIFY - yes Congress upon the application of 34 State Legislatures can select either method - Legislative vote of Convention - Do you think that if 38 State Legislatures sent a application to the Congress that they could ignore such a overwhelming majority will?No way as 38 States can change the Constitution because Congress has no power to stop the actions they "MUST" "SHALL" CALL . . so 38 States voting twice on the same amendment will make the amendment the law of the land.As James Madison explained in Federalist No. 43, Article V “equally enables the general and the state governments, to originate the amendment of errors, as they may be pointed out by the experience on one side or the other.”21st AmendmentThe Eighteenth Amendment establishing National Prohibition was repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment, which consists of three sections:Support for the repeal of Prohibition was overwhelming.During 1933, laws were passed in 43 of the then-existing 48 states providing for action on the proposed repeal amendment. The five states not passing such laws were Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and North Dakota.In the same year conventions were held in 38 states and all but one (South Carolina) ratified the Amendment. North Carolina residents voted for convention delegates but against holding a convention.Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma and South Dakota provided for the election of convention delegates in 1934, but only Montana actually elected delegates and held a convention that year, which was after the amendment had already been ratified and become part of the U.S. Constitution. Only the South Carolina convention, which was composed of delegates supporting Prohibition, voted against repeal.In only six of the 38 states that ratified the amendment were there any votes against repeal, and in five of those the vote was almost negligible, ranging from one to five delegates. Only in Indiana was there significant opposition, with the vote being 246 in favor to 83 in opposition.The Eighteenth Amendment was interpreted and its implementation mechanisms were established by the National Prohibition Act, commonly known as the Volstead Act after the member of Congress who sponsorehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-first_Amendment_to_the_United_States_C... and oversaw its passage.Provisions of the Volstead Act were specifically repealed by act of Congress on August 27, 1935. Federal prohibition laws effective in various districts and territories were repealed by Congress over time.Seventy-five years after Repeal, Americans are still being burdened by legacy left by National Prohibition. These include Blue laws, Prohibition-era attitudes, high taxes, and failure to recognize the alcohol content equivalence of standard drinks of beer, wine and distilled spirits.
Understanding the 21st Amendment
677222320http://images.laws.com/agencies/constitutional-law.jpg?200" alt="21st Amendment" align="right"/>
The State action in the many Legislature caused both the 18th and 21st amendment calls by Congress as they saw the train coming down the track and jumped on instead of trying to stop it - the same is happening on Article V the train is on the track and is gaining momentum - the remaining question is how long before Congress is forced to comply?There is no other Constitutional method of correction as Madison said: the Congress is usurping - the Executive is usurping and the Courts are usurping. Left to their own devised only financial collapse and rebellion can be forecasted.Major Decisions New Jersey V Tlo Bicameral Legislature Background Northern Securities Co V United States Major Decisions Miranda V Arizona Major Decisions Texas V Johnson Korematsu V United States Three Fifths Compromise 26th Amendment 18th Amendment Purpose Of Lifetime Appointment And Pros And Cons 1st Amendment Bill Of Rights
- I will not argue OPINIONS show and tell time . . give language INSIDE THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE CONSTITUTION - You will not as you can not .. . I grow weary of this false argument . . Phyllis, PH and the JBS all present the same false argument.All are defeated by one simple question - where is the language inside the four corners of the actual Constitution signed and ratified by 100% of the States - are you all so arrogant that you know better what the FF&R meant and signed than the originators created. What blatant arrogance on your part - All that you present can not be backed up Col. and I attended and land grant college so I understand the Uniform code of Military justice - yes I served.The Constitution says the State legislature can call for amendments as they please and if 3/4 or 38+ agree then Congress is a clerk . . Show me language that defeats that argument. You sir, have none for it does not exist within the four corners . . all grow weary with the false arguments your ilk presents - for you have no factual basis for anything you present.I have gone the extra mile to be polite and attempting to show the actual language but you will not read or learn the facts so it is time for this silliness to be terminated - the readers can read the Constitution and make their own minds up - I would like for you to present a cogent argument that Restore our liberty and freedoms short of the Jefferson final answer.
- Yes the States have caused a Article V Ratification by convention to be called by the Congress. The 21st is the best example . . congress made the call because they did not want to run over by the States to repeal the 18th amendment. The Bill of Rights was the first example . . the Anti Federalist States caused the Article V amendment process to be first used.You are mixing our project with the Convention of States project of Mekler and Mike Ferris - the numbers you use are from their meeting. The Article V project to Restore Liberty does not call or need to call for a "CONVENTION. [keep in mind that the word convention is those times meant a meeting of two or more].Our proposal is to have all 50 State legislatures vote on the proposed 20 word 28th amendment. If 38 or more vote to approve the proposed amendment it will become law as congress has no way to stop the State legislatures from proceeding to a vote to Ratify. 38 State Legislatures have the power to do as they can agree and get ratified by all 38 or more Legislatures.The document voted on and Ratified has to be identical in every way so there can be no challenge because Article V nor any other Article provide for such a challenge - that should tell us the FF&R intended for the States to have the power to act alone an stop a tyrannical and oppressive usurping Federal Government.Our library has many Scholar works that support this position.
- Well look who has now joined the ideas of a State Amendment to REPEAL . . but she has not yet found herself able to say which amendments need to be repealed.She also now admits that we the people do not have any LIMITS [Constitutional] on the three branches of Government - they just ignore it so therefore it is not. Like a speed limit sign . . if the police do not enforce the limits by holding violators responsible is there a speed limit?
Restore The Constitution We Have By Learning What It Means!
By Publius HuldahOur Constitution really was a 5000 Year Miracle.The attached pdf chart illustrates the Miracle. You can download it and print it out.Rights come from God, and the purpose of civil governments is to secure the rights God gave us.Accordingly, WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established the Constitution for the United States of America wherein wecreated the federal government.A “federal government” is an alliance of Sovereign States associated together in a “federation” with a national government to which is delegated supremacy over the States in specifically defined areas only.These specifically defined areas are the “enumerated powers” WE delegated to the three branches of the national (“federal”) government.The States and The People retained all other powers.The pdf chart depicts the elegant simplicity of our Constitution; lists the few and defined powers WE delegated to the national government for the Country at Large; shows how the powers WE delegated to the national government secure specific God given rights; and shows the retention of all other powers by the States and The People.Our Constitution isn’t broken! Our Constitution isn’t outdated. The problem is that WE – who are “the natural guardians” of the Constitution – didn’t bother to learn it. Since we didn’t bother to learn it, we elected representatives who also hadn’t bothered to learn it. And so everyone ignores it.And we abandoned the religious and moral foundation of our Constitution.It is our own ignorance of our existing Constitution, and the collapse of religion and morality which have brought us to the brink of destruction.Our Constitution doesn’t need “fixing”! The only Amendments we need are to repeal some of the previous Amendments we got deceived into approving.WE THE PEOPLE need “fixing”. Restoration of our religious and moral foundation and our Constitution is the Answer to the Healing of our Land.Let the Restoration begin with you. Share this Article. Print out the chart. Study it. Flesh it out with your own personal readings of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bible. Have study groups in your home. You can become a “guardian” of the Constitution. PHSeptember 1, 2013
- She attacks the 28th amendment project here . .
- That does not stop her from trashing our Article V library site or what we stand for. I sometimes wonder if she might be just a little jealous for not being the one who started what we have up. What I read on her site sounds like sour grapes more than an attempt to change peoples minds. Knowing she attacks like a competent trial lawyer should be warning enough about the content of what she spouts off about. Remember, a Good lawyer never asks a question they don't already know the answer to. Nor do they submit evidence that weakens their POV.
- Yep,That is why she has banned me from all of her sites and threads = even facebook a twitter. She once said that I was the most dangerous man on planet earth after I debated and defeated all of her best proxies.Their issue like PH is that they spout a lot of rhetoric and opinion all supported by Very Very Ultra Liberal Progressive Judges and Lawyers - challenge them to use language "INSIDE" the four corners of the Constitution - they can not without going Progressive or case law precedent.To bad for it was a good opportunity for me to present our ideas.
- Why not just join her site under another pseudonym and post there? Or, we clould all join and post there in debate form
- SHE KNOW MY IPS ADDRESSES AND SHE KNOWS MY POSITIONS AND MANY OF MY ARGUMENTS. It is hard to hide as she reads it all and stews over it like a lord saviour.You all could do that but not me. he he he she is all for freedoms huh?
- PH on AV project:WARNING!A contemptible website which goes by the name, “The 28th Amendment Article V Project to Restore Liberty” has posted links to MY website thus creating the false impression that I am in agreement with their despicable, ignorant, wrongheaded, idiotic, evil, contemptible, clamoring for an Article V convention.They link me by association with organizations which I deem to be evil.The enemy lies – they create false impressions – they will do anything to dupe the American people into supporting their call for an Article V Convention.Make no mistake: these evil people want to get rid of Our Constitution and replace it with a new Constitution which I promise you you will not like.What happened to honest debate?Oh I know: The opposition can not defend their positions intellectually or morally.All they can do is smear people or and try to create the false impression that we are on their evil side.Again, I warn you: Trust no one. You must check everything out for yourself.Our future hangs on your being able to tell the difference between Good and Evil.And on your caring about the difference.
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