- Send the black and white Article V 28th amendment to your State Legislators - read the following and it will tel you why . . no excuses we must fight the good fight."There is no such thing as advanced tactical training; It is only mastering the basics."I recently spoke with a my State Senator. She said that if she gets 100 emails or calls on ANY ISSUE that is a HUGE amount of communication. She also said that when it's not a lobbyist with a "name tag and a business card" that walks in to give their opinion it is NOTICED. The calls, the visits, the emails.....they matter. While we may only be 7,600 we act as a force multiplier; you are the amplifier of the common message of liberty. There is no reason that EVERY STATE can't make 100 calls or send each representative emails (even easier) on every important issue. When you are asked to write or call.....DO IT....10,000 people outside of a building on a Saturday when they are not in session with signs doesn't hurt, but it's not feasible and sometimes it doesn't work as well simply sending a note with "Please vote NO on SB100".Some days we all wonder......."does it even matter what we say? Do they listen?" Well here are two articles that explain that they better......and they do......when we bury them with feedback they have no choice (even if they ignore our warnings). In this case they listened........for now:
- "If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government..."-- Alexander Hamilton(1757-1804)
- "The internal effects of a mutable policy are [...] calamitous.It poisons the blessings of liberty itself. It will be of little availto the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice,if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read,or so incoherent that they cannot be understood;if they be repealed before they are promulgated,or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knowswhat the law is today can guess what it will be tomorrow."-- James Madison
- HEY Mr. President here is what Jefferson did in your situation . . are you better than Jefferson?
- I do remember that the US had 14 paid assassins until they were removed by a Presidential order, but they never were used against American Citizens in any official operation no matter the provocation. I think that was originally classified too.
- There were many more than that - I knew a few that were spooks - very health folks that left town for awhile and then returned. Both died in very suspicious ways - one a expert diver drowned in Hawaii the other a Marine General China expert suddenly became ill and died?
- I heard he was supposed to have been eaten by a shark, if it's the same guy. But the ones I am talking about belonged to one of the alphabet agencies I won't name, but it was not the CIA.
- No this guys death was only know by family and friends like me. The guy was a Col in the reserve but paid a lot more? The General Marine was a Military attache in Embassies in Asia.Both were no doubt CIA< NSA, ISA or one of the super secret groups.
- The agency I was talking about still does not show up when googled.
- There are so many different agencies that one can not track them that is why the budgets are hidden in hundreds of different budgets. That way the enemy cannot even estimate our abilities or the number of human assets we have in the field.That is why they are called Spooks - poof and there they are.
- Yep!!!
- GALATIAN REBUKEThis article is based on fact from the chronicles of Saul of Tarsus, known today as St. Paul or Paul the Apostle.Paul was born and raised in a medium sized sea port town of Tarsus on the under belly of Asia Minor. The Port had been under Roman control for about a century at the time of Paul's birth. The port was used as a staging area for Roman Legions in their conguest of Asia Minor, and was at one time, used as the HeadQuarters by Gaius Julius Ceasar and his Legions. Tarsus was also predominately populated by Jews.Several hundred miles north and east of Tarsus, was a region then known as Galatia. The capital of the region was Ancyra, known today as Ankara, Turkey. The region had been a Roman Providence since Ceasar Augustus, and had officially became Galatia Providence under Roman Rule. I am not certain who first occupied this region, but around 270 B.C. (before candles) a migration of Celtics settled here. This band was one of three, that plundered and pillaged from their orginal homeland in Northern and Central France to Galatia. The Romans called them Gauls, however Gauls were of the same tribe, but those called Celts were the religious leaders. (as defined in Julius Ceasars Commentaries)As the three tribes went through Macedon, two split off and went south through Thrace and tried to conquer Greece. These tribes then became known as Thraceans, and still reside in Northern Thrace and Macedonia. Eventually however, splinter groups of these twos tribe migrated further east and settled with their brother tribesmen in the region of Galatia.Paul knew of the Galatians and their reputation as mercenaries and also as religiously devout to the worship according to tradition of the Ancient Celtic gods. Paul, it is assumed, probably established several churches on his first missionary journey through this area, and also established some type of teaching or leadership structure.The common practice by Paul was to start small churches during his journeys, then later write letters to the leadership that remained there, giving them instructions and encouragement. Places such as Corinth and Ephesia were ancient trading centers, and the converts in those cities would spread the word of God along the trading routes. However, the Galatians never recieved a letter of encouragement from Paul. We will get to that later in this article, before that, I have another story to tell you.About 10 years back, I managed a little country store that was, and still is the Mecca of Sport Fishing in Southern Washington along the Columbia River. Between the months of March and October the store was very, very busy. Salmon, Steelhead and Sturgeon being the primary game fish, literally many people would come from all over the world to fish this stretch of the Columbia River. I met, and helped some very interesting people I can assure you.This little store is also located in the Middle of the Cascade Mountain Range. Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood are within a 40 minute drive. The foothills are minutes away, abundant with plant and wildlife. It is...My Garden of Eden.I usually always worked alone during the busiest part of the day, in the busiest part of the week. I sold hundreds of thousands of dollars of fishing tackle and beer, hmmm imagine that, beer-fishing combo, what a concept? There were times when I even gave casting lessons in the parking lot...sober of course, and the free lessons came with the purchase of any Rod and tackle to the novice fisherman.One day during a lapse of busyness, in walked a very attractive woman. Right off, I knew she was not a fisher(man) and single, that was unusual, but there was also something just 'different' about her...aside from her good looks. She had an aura of assurance-not haughty, clean and reserved-but not shy, repectful but not familiar, sensual but not sexual, and she had clear and sparkling eyes. Two bags of peanuts later....and for some distinct reason I felt an attachment other then a male/female social-business/customer/relationship... interest. My brain didn't go thumpidy-thump, but I got sort of a goose bumps/tingley sensation. A strange reaction for me to have at that time, but it was the same feeling I used to get long ago, when I had a spiritual reaction to something said, felt, or seen.During this time in my life I was pretty screwed up, there is no other way of putting it. I drank heavily, smoked, had stress black outs and was mostly angry all of the time. I just was not dealing with reality on most levels. I had a string of bad relationships with a variety of women, and wasn't looking for another one, I lived alone, in my mid-fifties in age, and thought I was happy... I thought I had it mostly figured out....I was about to learn one of the biggest and most important lessons in my life...from this little dark haired beauty...maybe I didn't know it all?Well, she saunters up to the counter and lays her money down, and then just kinda hangs around, wandering a little....looking at the products. Finally, (I'm begining to sweat now), some conversation is struck and she reveals she has just moved into the area and lives just up the road. Well, this became a daily routine, always in the mid-afternoon, two bags of peanuts, wander a bit, casual coversation and off she goes. She did tell me her name though, and I'll call her 'Native' in this story.On the third day or so, in walks another regular customer...and her three small children. After buying some candy for her kids, out of the blue she says to me "Why don't you ask my mother out on a date?" "And who is your mother?" I asked. "Native, the one that comes in every day to buy peanuts, she just moved in with me," she says. I'm stunned...and almost speachless but I reply to her, "Sorry, I'm not interested in dating right now." I blurted it out and it was a LIE,LIE,LIE....(The Lawman lied).She left with her children and not five minutes later the phone rings and guess who it is..?, yep, it's Native and she proceeds to tell me that she is not interested in dating either, she had just moved here because her ex-husband was giving her a really bad time, and her daughter didn't have the right to say that I needed to ask her out......!!! I assured her that I was also, not interested in dating (there I go again with the lie), and made every excuse possible, stating and all the reasons imaginable to not see her again. That lasted about ten minutes...when she came in for her daily two bags of peanuts. So instead, we decided on a walk in the park across the road, on her day off would be nice....and it was.An unforeseen and spirited romance.I always thought of myself as somewhat of a romantic, but since that one moment in zillions of moments in a lifetime, there is no comparison to any thing tangible or mental (meaning brain) feelings that can be grasped, or a papered scientific explaination, for affection. Let me explain further.We walked from the store across the road and the railroad track into the park area. When we arrived at the grassy area, she immediately took off her shoe's and explained that she really needed to "ground" herself, it had been a tough week at work. Native went on to explain that she really needed to get out in the woods soon so she could get close to a clean running stream, and maybe even hug a tree. Before I could even say anything about eco-terrorists she advised me, that no, she was not an enviromentalist, nor an animal rights advocate, nor a left wing radical hippie chick.By this time, my brain is on over-load and I needed a shot or two of that good Kentucky bourbon, but I restrained myself and continued to be polite. This woman was making me nervous and I don't mean the "look over your shoulder type" of nervous. The goose bumps were back and I had a severe attack of self- conscienceness. I was in trouble, deep dark trouble, the kind 'momma don't want you in'.And with that, the rest of the story.....(Saul did not write a letter of encouragement to the Galatians...why? What does this woman see when she looks deeply into me? )GALATIAN REBUKE-Part IIAs time passed, Native would talk about the importance of the human spirit being connected to the earth and human spirits connecting to each other. Our walks in nature, reconnected me with my childhood. The days of freedom and spiritual independence. She taught me many things that I had forgotten or misplaced in my heart. I soon realized that 'the head' didn't like this reconnection very much. Allow me to explain the difference between a heart connection and a head connection to the human spirit, and the battles that take place between the two.Let us journey back to Paul of Tarsus and his ministry to the Galatians. Historians are not sure when Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians, but we can have some certainty as to why it was written.A group, called the Judaizers, a Christian sect advocating that the teaching of Paul was inadequate, mainly speaking to the point that Paul was not one of the original Twelve Apostles, and was only teaching part of the Truth about Salvation.Paul's letter is in response to those accusations. Of course, Paul could not just drop everything he had going on and travel for months to deliver a sermon to them, or pick up the telephone and make that CEO directive call to the 'board members' he had left there. So he sent Barnabas, (Barnabas is Pauls Assitant) with a letter containing a definitive outline of spiritual growth, strength and application of our Godly Gifts, affirmative principles. The down side of this letter, also outlined the pitfalls of Godlessness, and the results of such actions, The Rebuke.Galatians 5:12"But the Fruit of the Spirit is;Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance;against such there is no law".Nine Fruits, described in words that we very seldom hear today, moreless even practice, and many do not speak of or even know the definition of.These fruits start in our heart, our soul's center, and no other place.Much depends on our relationship with God whether these fruits ripen or not. However; being human, and as none of us are perfect, it is a daily exercise, as well as a conscience choice to practice these fruits. When we step out the front door, the practice becomes even more difficult, now we are stepping into the arena of humanity, leaving the security of our personal shelter. The Humanity Arena seldom agrees with our spiritual beliefs. So the battle is defined...and begins, spirit versus intellect, a mighty battle it is.The other night, Native and I discussed the childlike nature of our heart spirit. Native related to me that many of the North American Indians (some still practice this) believed that the first 7 years of a child's life was their "spirit life", and after that they became children of the tribe as a whole. The practical meaning that at that point, everyone in the tribe participated in raising the child. This belief "system" makes perfectly good sense to me. First I think when a child is born, they have no imperfections, nor prejudice, nor bias or other worldly characteristics that will sway any future life style choices they will make, or beliefs they will come to embrace.Truly, a newborn is innocent of all worldly influence. They do however; have a pure spirit and their selves abound in the Fruits Paul describes so well. From the time of birth forward, what will impact the child's life will be imperfect older human influence, whether that person be a Mom or Dad, Aunt or Uncle, Brothers or Sisters, they all participate in what that child will learn and will determine who they will become as an adult.God warns us many times about how we treat our children, and He means all children, not just your own. During this process, we as adults can light the spark of either the heart spirit or the worldly intellect, only later on when that child reaches the age of maturity will free choice kick in. But that choice will be based on what he/she has been impressed with and by during their formative years.So you may now wish to ask the age old question; "Where you going with this Lawman?"I have mentioned at the beginning of this story that during our walks together, Native was taking me back to my childhood, which was causing a conflict within my spirit. My worldly intellect hated it. Native, unknown by her, was guiding me to confront my intellect, and re-awakening my heart spirit. She, was doing what Paul all those many years ago was telling the Galatians.The Fruits of the spirit should be your guide, your conscience, and the process by which we should make all the choices in our lifes. In Spiritual Reality, we must actually go back to the innocence of our childhoods, to be re-taught and remember, seek our guidance, and replenish and grow with the influence of our Spiritual Father.Jesus says, and I am paraphrasing here, Salvation is reverting to a childlike nature, being re-born to a new childlike spirit. I was being reborn. I still am. It is not a process that stops at a certain level, no, it is on-going. I keep on learning and becoming more sensitive to worldly intellect, and the impact and influence it causes toward the separation of my heart spirit from God. My mind as found a new intelligence and it has reversed itself, My intellect hates it, but my heart loves it.I'm re-connected to my heart spirit and the foundation and strength of my spirit is my faith, love and my hope in God's Grace.Psalm 1:1-3 ESV / 13Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.Galatian Rebuke Part IIIAt last, the Rebuke.Galatians 5:19-21;"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I tell you before, as also told you in the time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God."Paul had warned the Galatians several times about certain acts of the flesh or in terms of the intellect, I propose have the same meaning. Simply put, the matter of choice takes place in two arena's, the heart spirit or in the intellectual mind. I'm going to take another step and propose that the mind or intellect does not know God, nor love, nor have faith nor hope in God.In another Letter by Paul, he warns that if people continue in the works of the flesh they will be turned over to a reprobate mind.By definition; one who is morally unprincipled, and/or rejected by God and has no hope of salvation (1) one who is predestined to damnation. He even says that God will "spew them up" but in literal translation it means to puke or vomit. In other words, not digestible, making Him sick to the point that He pukes these type of people into eternal judgement.Now, having explored the internal workings of both the heart spirit and intellectual mind, I will move to an outward manifestation of both, and how all those that believe in God in this country are spiritually connected.On July 4, 1776 a new Nation's birth was being announced, not only by decree of physical Independence but of Spiritual Independence in the form of "Laws of Nature and of Nature's Laws" but "unalienable rights" given to us by God.Almost every single man or woman involved in the struggle for this Country's Independence were God fearing individuals. Hundreds of documents remain establishing that fact. The founding belief that God is our Spiritual guide and Foundation of this Country's greatness started with this birth announcement, The Declaration of Independence.This is not to say those folks were stupid of worldly tricks and Godless men, the opposite is true, they were very much aware of the evil man is capable of.Our birth certificate is the restrictive Articles of the Constitution.These articles of birth assure the rights of all the people and restricts the formation and powers of government. I liken this to the spiritual childhood of this Nation and these Articles prevented the application of the evils of men in government. By various different methods possible it prevents the abuse or the enslavement of those "children". These Articles also include the ways and means to correct an abusive government and the people involved in such abuse.With the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the maturing stage of this Nation's growth began. These rights apply to the children/citizens and to no one else, with the exception of the 10th amendment which gives the States certain rights over the central government.At this stage of development, the babes are starting to school and learning how to apply their new freedoms. There is still a strong belief in God, and many manifestations of the Fruits are being seen. Our Country becomes known as a strong, healthy and compassionate Nation.Not ever in the course of recorded history, has such a diversified people joined together both physically and spiritually to form a Nation with God as the foundation of governance.A Nation where every man, woman and child has the freedom of choice, self -determination and individual rights according to God's Law. At the pinnacle of this country's Greatness, the Fruits of the Spirit were paramount in direction and the common idealism of every person that believed in God.So what happened? Well, evil men and women that had no belief in God, and in the course of many electoral cycles came into power. Pretty simple but it took many years to accomplish.All the wiles of the devil were used, lying, cheating, stealing, all those "manifestations of the flesh" by self-professed intellectual giants and spiritually heartless people. At the post adolescence of our growth, I'm going to call our evolution to the degree of socialism.There is one thing I know about socialism, it has no belief in God, and thus has no belief in a spiritual identity. If the psychology does not believe in God they don't believe in Gods Law or "unalienable rights", and promote actions that can do anything 'intellect' deems capable of doing.With no belief in God, nor a spiritual identity, socialist have no spiritual connection to one another. It's kinda of a cannibalistic environment. As history proves, Socialism consumes itself with greed, corruption and those seeking power in their quests. The unfortunate aspect, is that it comes and goes in cycles, usually after only a generation or two. In our Country today we are nearing the end of the 'generations of coming' and their zenith...waning to the 'going' and to where...?I have taken the individual God-fearing person and projected such as our Nation. In reality, our Nation is a projection of our common personal beliefs. Our Nation's heart is from it's birth, has been spiritually connected with God.He, and He alone, is the foundation and base of our internal and national structure. That is the truth that each and every one of us, that believe in God, know is our primary connection. From heart to soul, from dinner table out the doors of our town halls, county seats and our State Capitals...we are connected.The battle starts in each of our spiritual hearts, connected through God one to each other, joined in the belief of God and His Divine Founding of this Great Country. We all may have different views on the specific "religious" levels, but there is no division in our acceptance, hope, faith and love of God.The battle front stretches from your front door to Washington D.C. Fear not, because the spiritual America that we all love has more power in it's little finger then all the evils that man can do, or has done.When we go out into our communities, and get involved in politics, become aware of what that politician standing before you is projecting. Are they the words and the promises of the Fruits of the Spirit, or are they the manifestations of the flesh?Assess them and the direction they want to take you and the community. You can determine that by listening to your own heart spirit, it will never lie to you, ever. The changes we need to make to save our Country will come at the local level, which will impact and determine the state level to follow, and finally the national level to conclude. But we all have to stay connected and re-affirmed in our daily beliefs. the worldly divisiveness is a constant barrage. We need to uplift each other in prayer, and seek God's guidance in all things.In conclusion, Native and I are still together. The credit for what I have written goes to her and her alone. I took her wisdom and spiritual insight, let it reawaken and replenish my heart and my mind, and applied it in ink, so I might share her gift with you. Everyday I learn something from her, a process that I hope never ends.She is truly my friend.I Pray and pray again..thankful.In your heart it begins,The spirit, It can not hideIt will lie quiet, silent..When the wordly noise becomes too loud.I Pray, pray to Him.Be eternally on our sideWe can not loose,If we can be Worthy.I Pray, pray again...I choose,To be of Spirit Heart and Mind.Well so much for my poetry...The Lawman
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