- in response to Floyd:This twit is as bad as BO the way the try and change the subject.
Black Panther voter intimidation in Philadelphia
Fast and Furious
Leon Panetta leaking info on the Osama Bin Laden raid at a speech
NSA collecting phone records of millions of American citizens
IRS targeting Tea Party groups
IRS spending $50million on conferences 2010-2012
IRS leaked donor records of Romney campaign to leftist groups who were then targeted and harassed
Justice department seizing records of AP reporters and Fox’s James Rosen
Attorney General Eric Holder commits perjury in front of Congress TWICE- once during testimony about Fast and Furious and again during testimony about the Fox’s James Rosen
Benghazi – 4 dead diplomats due to lack of security.
Boston Marathon bombing
Denying Keystone XL pipeline
GSA spending millions on travel and conferences
Arm twisting to get Obamacare passed in the middle of the night with no bipartisan votes.
Presidential order essentially granting amnesty to children of illegal immigrants by passing congress- Obama’s own Dream Act
Commercials being run to increase the numbers of people on welfare and food stamps
10 million plus people now receive Social Security disability payments
HHS Secretary Sebelius electioneered on government time – violating the Hatch Act
HHS Secretary Sebelius lobbied private companies her organization oversaw for donations to fund Obamacare.
LRB sues Boeing for building a plant in South Carolina because SC is not a union state.
Not prosecuting the Fort Hood shooter as an enemy combatant.
The Sequester
Solyndra ($535 million) and other green energy companies- Beacon Power,BrightSource, Brookfield Asset Management, First Solar, Fisker Automotive, Nevada Geothermal, NextEra Energy, Solyndra, SunPower, Tonopah Solar Energy, U.S. Geothermal Weatherization
Secret Service prostitute scandal in Columbia during a Presidential visit
The Beer summit
Stimulus spending on weatherization projects
EPA- trying to define dust as a pollutant
Pigford II- payments to “black” farmers for reparations, many of the farmers were neither black nor farmers. USDA- Shirley Sherrod got $13million
D- Joe Sestak was bribed by Bill Clinton via Rahm Emanuel to drop out of a congressional primary against former republican Arlen Spector
EPA charging conservative groups for documents while not charging liberal groups
PRISM spying program on Americans’ internet activity
State Department sex scandal cover up
Suing Arizona over their immigration laws
Mr. Mueller of the FBI testifying that the FBI does not listen to your phone calls
WH tapping the reporters phones in the White House press-room
Voter fraud by Organizing for America- esp. in Indiana where 4 democrats were convicted
Sold jet fighters to the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt
Giving 1.3 BILLION to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Arming the Syrian rebels
Quantitative easing (QE1, QE2, etc.)
The list goes on. How is it BO has NOT been IMPEACHED?????
40 Investing Quotes To Lead You Through Any Market
ByMay 27, 20101. Those with the enterprise lack the money and those with the money lack the enterprise to buy stocks when they are cheap. -Benjamin Graham2. A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. -Henry Ford3. Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investmentsare the ones you don't make. -Donald Trump4. After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. -Calvin Coolidge5. "Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas. -Paul Samuelson6. If investing is entertaining, if you're having fun, you're probably not making any money. Good investing is boring. -George Soros7. I believe that thrift is essential to well-ordered living and that economy is a primerequest of a sound financial structure, whether in government, business or personal affairs. -John D. Rockefeller, Jr.8. I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money. -Pablo Picasso9. And finally, no matter how good the science gets, there are problems that inevitably depend onjudgment, on art, on a feel for financial markets. -Martin Feldstein10. As financial markets continue to broaden and deepen, the behavior of asset prices will play an important role in the formulation of monetary policy going forward, perhaps a more important role than in the past. -Timothy Geithner11. Being on a movie set is like one long financial crisis. -John Cusack12. Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1. -Warren Buffett13. Columbus did not seek a new route to the Indies in response to a majority directive. -Milton Friedman14. Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. -John Maynard Keynes15. October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February. -Mark Twain16. The four most dangerous words in investing are "This time it's different." -John Templeton17. If you have trouble imagining a 20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn't be in stocks. -John Bogle18. Blaming speculators as a response to financial crisis goes back at least to the Greeks. It's almost always the wrong response. -Larry Summers19. Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction. -Warren Buffett20. We've used derivatives for many, many years. I don't think derivatives are evil, per se, I think they are dangerous. …So we use lots of things daily that are dangerous, but we generally pay some attention to how they're used. We tell the cars how fast they can go. -Warren Buffett21. If I’d only followed CNBC’s advice, I’d have a million dollars today. Provided I’d started with a hundred million dollars. -Jon Stewart22. So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money? -Ayn Rand23. Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust. -Oliver Wendell Holmes24. When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is. -Oscar Wilde26. If all the economists were laid end to end, they'd never reach a conclusion. -George Bernard Shaw27. When an investor focuses on short-term investments, he or she is observing the variability of the portfolio, not the returns - in short, being fooled by randomness. -Nassim Nicholas Taleb28. Everyone has the brainpower to make money in stocks. Not everyone has the stomach. If you are susceptible to selling everything in a panic, you ought to avoid stocks and mutual funds altogether. -Peter Lynch29. Most investors want to do today what they should have done yesterday. -Larry Summers31. Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells. -J. Paul Getty32. I don't like money, actually, but it quiets my nerves. -Joe Louis33. Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions. -A.A. Latimer34. Stock price movements actually begin to reflect new developments before it is generally recognized that they have taken place. -Arthur Zeikel35. A collapse in U.S. stock prices certainly would cause a lot of white knuckles on Wall Street. But what effect would it have on the broader U.S. economy? If Wall Street crashes, does Main Streetfollow? Not necessarily. -Ben Bernanke36. I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said. -Alan Greenspan37. The United States in particular and the West in general should be feeling a little embarrassed about all that lecturing we did to the Third World. -Paul Krugman38. Just as a cautious businessman avoids investing all his capital in one concern, so wisdom would probably admonish us also not to anticipate all our happiness from one quarter alone. -Sigmund Freud39. People don't like the idea of thinking long term. Many are desperately seeking short term answers because they have money problems to be solved today. -Robert Kiyosaki40. Financial peace isn't the acquisition of stuff. It's learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can't win until you do this. -Dave Ramsey
Comments (14)
While I agree that an Article V convention could be a dangerous thing, a POSSIBLE solution would be for Congress to draft an amendment which would establish the procedural nexus for such a convention - basically establishing Article V convention RULES. Article V, by itself, leaves us in outer space, it needs an anchor.[...] via Don’t Be Fooled by Article V Conventions | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.. [...]Dear Mr. Spalding,
I've read with interest your "evaluation" of an Article V Convention. I also took time to read your "assessment of the meaning and status of Article V." Please allow me to make a few observations.
First on page 2 of the "assessment" you erroneously state the Articles of Confederation "provided for amendments to be proposed by Congress..." This is factually incorrect. First, the Articles provided for "alteration" of the Articles of Confederation. Second, no specific proposal body was mentioned in the Articles. It was because of these two "weaknesses" in the Articles that Congress could assign proposal power to a convention and such convention could propose a single alteration to the Articles, now renamed the Constitution. Accuracy is important and you are inaccurate.
You state on page 3 "the difficulties inherent in an Article V amendments convention have prevented its use, though some state applications (depending on how those applications are written and counted, an additional controversy in the Article V convention process) have come within one or two states of the requisite two thirds.
This is incorrect. If you go to www.foavc.org you can read the applications in question. In all 49 states have submitted over 700 applications for a convention call. You fail to mention this critical and key fact. You'll see if you wish that on at least three different subject areas, balanced budget, repeal of federal income tax and and apportionment, the states have satisfied the two thirds requirement. Moreover, if you study the federal lawsuits found at FAQ 9.1 you'll see that the government had admitted before the Supreme Court as a matter of public record that sufficient applications exist to cause a convention call, that the call is peremptory (thus eliminating any question as to the terms) and that the call is based on a simple numeric count of applying states. Again you fail to mention this fact in your evaluation.
As to the other questions involved that you raise, as the lawsuits demonstrate the convention must, under the terms of the equal protection clause, be treated the same as Congress. Therefore, in quick summary, all rules effecting Congress equally effect a convention as to selection or election of delegates, number of delegates and so forth. You failed to mention this in your evaluation.
As noted, your statement on page 3 of being "one state away" from causing Congress to call is in error. The public record shows the states have long since satisfied the terms of Article V. It is refusal of Congress to obey the Constitution that is the sole reason for a convention not being call rather than false statements you make in your evaluation.
As to your evaluation regarding court cases. You do mention them but you failed to mention that Hawke v Smith also expressed that Article V was without "interpolation, addition or rules of construction." Thus, there is no interpretation. Your assumption of subject matter as a basis for issue regarding a convention is therefore misplaced. Further it is clear you read into Article V what you want to see rather than what is actually stated. A simple example examination of a grammar of the article makes it clear the purpose of the applications by the states is for the expressed purpose of causing Congress to call the convention. As there is no interpretation permitted in Article V, any other text (including proposed amendments written by the states) therefore is constitutional dicta.
I would suggest that you take time to review the material on the FOAVC website. At the least you should state in your article the fact a convention is currently mandated by the Constitution and that you are urging that despite this constitutional fact, we should ignore the Constitution and no obey it. No other conclusion regarding your opinion expressed is possible other than you only want to support those parts of the Constitution you agree with. This is clearly wrong.There is no requirement of the People to be bound to Article V by its own terms and the history of the Amendment.
Congress and the States are what are spoken of, nothing about the people.
Please stop ignoring our Sovereign Power to amend the Constitution, articulated best by James Wilson, thank you:
"Permit me to mention one great principle, the vital principle I may well call it, which diffuses animation and vigor through all the others. The principle I mean is this, that the supreme or sovereign power of the society resides in the citizens at large; and that, therefore, they always retain the right of abolishing, altering, or amending their constitution, at whatever time, and in whatever manner, they shall deem expedient. James Wilson, Founding Father, Lectures on Law: Volume 1 Chapter 1 page 17."--http://bit.ly/eJtpI0
And please can we try to stop with this "Constitutional Rights" stuff, I have yet to see the directive language of the Constitution directed at allocating one right to the people, lots of limits and enumerated (versus general) power designations, but not once a right granted to the people.The closeness to a constitutional convention is certainly very close given the past events of what FDR accomplished with the SCOTUS. Over the last two years under the present Administration and the past Democratic majority in Congress, America suffered greatly. We rock back and forth since FDR opened our pocket books for more taxes to feed the socialist programs and erode our personal freedoms. A drip and drabbed at a time over time and we will forget who we are and where we started from. Therefore, at what point do we stop this brain drain before we are walking government-controlled robots or should I say, "Good little socialists/communists/fascists". Certainly food for thought!In reference to my previous remarks. If the hole can be closed that FDR opened through the SCOTUS, then we can avoid any amendments. Hopefully, the recent unconstitutional healthcare ruling by Federal Judge Vinson of Florida will make it quickly to the SCOTUS on appeal and we can close the hole that should never have been created by FDR. This commerce clause closing would turn around decades of decay and stop politicians getting elected over and over again from those who receive entitlements from the taxpayer. Making able bodied Americans to go to work and stop scamming the taxpayer!To Mr. Littman,
Only because your comment is so far off base am I even bothering to answer it. First of all, Article V is an ARTICLE of the Constitution, not an amendment. As to your absurd assumption that the people are not bound to it, I point to the supremacy clause as proof of this point which binds all to obey it who are in turn required to base their actions in regulation of the general people on its terms. In short, the people are required to obey it. If you don't believe me, why not commit a federal crime and then come to the judge and say "I'm not bound by the Constitution and therefore you have no authority over me" (which is what you are really saying) and let us know how that works out for you.
The fact that James Wilson restated the Declaration of Independence has no bearing whatsoever. I will concede the people have a sovereign right to change their Constitution. However, in creating the Constitution the people designated a particular method or methods whereby this was to be accomplished and allowed for no other process to interfere in that process, meaning that Congress is not free to ignore the Constitution in this regard simply because it is politically uncomfortable, nor are people like yourselves free to urge the Constitution not be obeyed. Your objection may be noted, but the Constitution must be obeyed meaning your objection is meaningless---unless you want to support overthrowing it.
Finally as to your challenge that the Constitution gives no "directive rights" or as you phrased it, "to see the directive language of the Constitution directed at allocating one right to the people..." allow me to prove you have never even read the document to one and all.
To name but a few:
Article IV "The Citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."
Article I "No bill of attainder or ex post fact law shall be passed."
1st Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting .... the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
2nd Amendment: ...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
3rd Amendment: No soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner..."
4th Amendment: (The whole thing, too long to type here.)
5th, 6th, 7th Amendments all speak of rights of the people.
9th Amendment: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
13th Amendment: Right to be free and not a slave
I could keep going such as the right of the people to have public records and accounting of their government. But I think I've made my point and made your entire comment look silly. Next time check your facts first.
- Bill· 1 week agoYour article VI reference means according to Justice Bushrod Washington ruling in Corfield v Coryell. Those rights mean; the enjoyment of life and liberty, the right to acquire and possess property of every kind, to pursue and obtain happiness and safety, the right of a citizen of one state to pass through, reside, trade, agriculture, professional pursuits, or claim benefit of writ of habeous corpus.
The Bill of Rights is a restraint on the feral gubbmint, it does not bestow you rights. All those things restrained to the feral gubbmint are left to the people and the states.You made several very good arguments against the use of an Article V constitutional amendment convention, and there have been several excellent rebuttals. I believe there is one overriding argument for the Article V amendment convention, and that is if Congress is mired in a crisis, on a slippery slope, and sees no solutions. They they have the power but are deadlocked, and are not listening to the people, and dragging the country deeper into the crisis.
My organization is working to introduce a plan for world peace, a solution to this crisis, and we are calling for an Article V constitutional amendment convention.
World peace is a movement, and the first 25% of the people to come into any movement are those who stand on the principles. The second 25% are those who are affected financially. The third are those whose lives are affected, and the final 25% are clueless, but eventually vote on the issue. With a 13% approval rating, the final segment of the people are angry and being drawn into the crisis; Congress and the rest of the country are in very deep trouble.
Our plan is for an international government based on the U.S. Constitution. Every nation will be treated the same way the states are treated within the United States. Disputes between nations will be handled by a court system rather than the battlefield. This plan requires a constitutional amendment to create the additional layer of government over what already exists. It goes right to the root of the Constitution, and under the present circumstances, an Article V amendment convention is the only route to take. World peace must come from the people, not the governments.Matt, and 'most' others, I appreciate your contribution to the subject matter. Article V is indeed the 'emergency button', it is not the 'self destruct button' though. Opponents of an Article V Convention are held to their positions out of fear. Fear of run-a-way convention, or as Phyllis Schalfy touts 'it would be the media event of the Century!', fear of the 'broken' electorate', fear of 'dark powers' that would amass to overtake the agenda of a Convention! (Seriously, that is one of the most common reasons opponents give, yep 'dark powers').
Ask yourself this question - 'Do you trust the Federal Government, more than you trust the 34 most responsible State Governments in the Union?' 34 States are needed to call a Convention, an additional (4) to Ratify amendments.
The argument that the electorate is broken 'not the Constitution' makes sense at first pass. However, I don't think the electorate is broken in South Dakota... Oklahoma...Texas... get my point? Do this... (seriously, do it) print a Map of the U.S. with just the State Borders - kinda like a kid's coloring page of the U.S. Now, color in the 16 most 'irresponsible' States. I'll help you get started... CA, IL, NY, MASS, HI, OR, WA, CT, DE, WV... that's only 10, pick 6 more.
What's left is very promising - an Article V Convention is actually the ONLY way to circumvent the 'broken electorate' in the other States.
Do this.. (seriously, do it) ... of the 16 States that you colored in -- now research the Congressional voting records on the latest 'Acts' or 'Legislation' which are the recent tipping points.. TARP (1,2) Obamacare, Financial Reform. I guarantee that none of these Acts would have passed in 'Congress' if these 16 States were left out of the voting. Now, narrow your list down from 16 to 12, since we need an additional 4 States to Ratify. The same results - I guarantee it!
Think about it - Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Sacremento, Chicago, New York, Boston.. these large metropolitan areas, 'the broken electorate' are completely 'neutralized' in an Article V Convention! Even if California decides to join the party... so what!? Their vote carries the same weight as South Dakota's!
Today's Grassroots movement will be the ones steering this agenda - keeping it on track, we don't suggest that we yell from rooftops/hilltops 'Hold a Convention!, Hold a Convention!' No, rather, we set the agenda and with good old fashioned Political Pressure 'in your face' like the Patriots of the 1770s - we hold the State Legislators on course - and at the same time continue to remove the established power structure in any State that is 'resistant' to reform.
Yes, this will take some time and effort - of course! Anything worth doing will be hard, but think of how hard it will be to actually 'fix' the 'broken electorate' that is out there! It will literally take a catastrophe for these people to wake up, and when they do... I don't think we'll be seeing eye-to-eye on the solutions.
Remember, the reason there is a word 'Patriot' is because of the word 'Loyalist'!
(all caps) We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting ForIn addition, the idea that Congress is acting Unconstitutional by not calling for a convention is what I call being 'wrapped around the axle'.
State Legislators, over the many, many years, get a 'burr under their saddle' from time to time. They draft a resolution, get the support of their House colleagues, and then fire off a request for a AV Conv. to Congress.
Someone, then tallies up all these misc requests, separated by issues and (all caps) decades (!) and erroneously comes the the conclusion that 2/3's of the States have called for a AV Convention.
To be clear, and practical (real world), when 34 States announce that they (all caps) We Be Holding a Convention, that's when it will happen! Granted, I doubt that all 34 will announce on the same day - I think it will take a number of things.
1) A significant movement by the population in 34 States - to set the agenda before hand - and to press the Legislators into the call.
2) Without a doubt - I can see 6-12 States immediately responding to this pressure.
3) Then the 'game is on' - pressuring the remaining 'targeted 34' to announce their calls within a year or so (hopefully).
Remember, the States 'application' is really 'notification'!Now perhaps is that moment in extremis? And people ought to be drawing up plans to attend to all those murky details that make democracy possible. Washington now appears to be a lost cause, a runaway federal government that men like Obama will only appear to govern.You say the risk is a whole new constitution being created. Well guess what, that's how we got the ours. The gathering of our founders was because the states before that time believe that some changes needed to be made to the Constitution, but they said, "No, we are going to create a new constitution" and that is the one that we use today. Like the article said, many of our amendments were passed by Congress because of the amount of stress and the number of states that have decided to Call for Convention. What I don't get is why Congress is waiting until we have the number of states needed for a convention to occur, because we are only two states short of the required two-thirds. With a high deficits and high inflation and drop in credit in our near future, do you really believe states are going to wait much longer for Congress to deal with this debt? How many people, other than Congress, do you believe want the US to be a Greece replica. Many newspapers and magazines already prefer us as a France replica. If our founders wanted us to be France and Greece replica's, do you really believe they would have risked execution when they formed our government?A convention under Article V cannot create a new constitution, it can only propose amendments. Its power is specifically limited to that. If you try and make the worn argument that suits the powers to be just dandy--that the convention of 1787 was supposed to be limited--you just hit the "I am ignorant after all" button.
1) The 1787 convention was an extralegal body with no authority or power, an Article V convention has only one, very specific power.
2) The 1787 convention did follow its mandate to propose such alterations as may be necessary. That those alterations were extensive is not in doubt, but that remains all they did.
3) The 1787 convention did not send its proposed constitution to the states, Congress did. And it did so within the rules set forth in the Articles.
4) Initially, the required nine states did ratify the Constitution, but it did not become the law of the land until all states ratified it.
5) The 1787 convention and ratification of the Constitution was the final act of the American Revolution. The delegates at the convention were the leaders of the Revolution, not a bunch of crackpots. They were fully aware of the delicate ground they tread, and that was a primary reason for "The Federalist."
6) Suppose an Article V convention did "runaway" and offer up a host of absurd amendment proposals or even a new constitution. Do you honestly believe any of it would be ratified by 38 states? If the convention ordered the new Constitution be obeyed (absurd), do you think the president, Congress, military or courts would pay attention to it? Of course not. In fact, the delegates would risk violating several federal laws and be subject to arrest.
7) A convention's primary purpose is to override a tyrannical federal government, which is obviously what we face. If all other constitutional means to overcome that tyranny have failed, ie elections, then what are we the people to do? Continue validating this tyranny every election? You do see that the congressional electoral system has been rigged to support a never-ending ping pong game between the two major parties, don't you?
8) The founders would be ashamed of our cowardice to exercise a right many thought the most important in the Constitution. When did we lose our guts, they would surely ask. I ask you the same question.
- _HOW TO STAY IN STEALTH MODE ON THE WEB by Patrick Huck, Transformleaders.com 8/1/13
We are living in a very open society and in a time where almost
all of our personal communications and information are being
stored in global networks, databases and on the web. According
to recent media reports governments are tracking about
everything we do on the Web which is then logged, analyzed,
and used for things we may never be aware of. So here are some
simple steps you can do to maintain your personal privacy on the
internet. This guide will help you stay in "Stealth Mode" for the majority of your Internet-based
STEP 1: Stealthy Web browsing
The best thing you can do to stay stealthy online is to hide your IP address so no one can track your web
activity back to you. Your IP address gives anyone the ability to easily determine the geographic location
of the server that hosts that address and find out where you’re located. Here are three basic ways to
obscure your IP address to hide your location:
1. Use TOR. Acronym for The Onion Router. TOR was originally designed by
the U.S. Navy for secret military communications. TOR sets up a network of virtual
tunnels allowing users high level web privacy and security. TOR enables users to
randomly access hundreds of different proxies constantly. TOR has much more
Stealth capabilities so be sure to check it out.
2. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN obscures your IP address as good as a proxy server,
but it works differently with the same results. VPNs establishes a private network on a public
network (usually the Internet) that users can connect together on. When you log on a VPN your
IP Address will show a different location. This is a list of good VPN services for you to select
3. Use Proxy Servers. Proxy servers help you pretend to be someone else by routing your
connection through a different server so your IP address isn't tracked. There's hundreds of free
proxies out there, so finding one is just a matter of searching. Proxy server extensions that can
be activated in just one click on most major browsers.
LEVEL 2: Stealthy Communications and Email
It is a bit harder to send emails and stay in Stealth Mode. If you want to send someone an email and
don’t want them to know your email address there are basically only two ways to do this:
1. Using Disposable Email Accounts. There are two methods to this...
a. Use a disposable Email Services which create a temporary forwarding address that is deleted
after time, so they keep your inbox from being flooded with spam.b. Create new email accounts with false names and use until no longer needed.
2. Using Alias'. Alias are basically just another forwarding address. When sending mail through an
alias recipients do not see your real email, but only see your forwarding address. All emails are
then forwarded to your regular inbox and will keep your real email address in "Stealth mode".
Email Encryption - Your actual identity will remain hidden through anonymized email addresses and
using proxys or VPNs however there's still a chance your emails can be tracked by a man-in-the-middle
system. Here's how to avoid this by encrypting your emails before you send them:
Using HTTPS through your Web-based email client which adds SSL/TLS encryption to your
internet communications. Ensure the URL of your webmail has an S (for Secure) after the HTTP.
Gmail users should use https://mail.google.com. You should also be using the HTTPS
Everywhere extension.
Using PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) software. Using HTTPS encrypts your data on the network level
but PGP software will encrypt your actual files.
Instant Messaging Encryption - You can also encrypt all your instant messaging with the following two
chat clients:
TOR chat which is an easy-to-use chat client on TOR’s location hiding services and uses SSL/TLS
Cryptocat which is an Internet based chat client using AES-256 encryption standard. This is very
hard to break and supports group chats.
LEVEL 3: Stealthy file transfers and sharing
Downloading is one of the least stealthy activities on the web because senders can easily access your IP
address when you download files. It is possible to hide your IP Address and identity when downloading
and sharing files. Here's how:
Use BT Guard when downloading from BitTorrent. BT Guard is designed specifically for large
BitTorrent users.
Use a VPN or Proxy servers to hide your IP address when downloading directly from file hosting
STEP 4: Stealthy personal accounts
Consider using an alias or pseudonym when creating accounts and don't create and sign in with any
profile that has your personal information tied to it (i.e., Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.).Copyright Transformleaders.com 2013, All Rights Reserved
- From chas Jones . . very very very good . . .
- Interesting case on common law and more . .
- L. Tribe said the Amendment becomes law after the ratification of the 38th State .. . in this location.
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