- Economics as a serious subject has proved itself to be a BLACK ART like WEATHER FORECASTING or STOCK TRADING; they all attempt to create future predictions of events based on what happened over the last years, decades or centuries. It is just making a SEMI-EDUCATED guess. Let the true Free enterprise function without regulation and rules for it is what built the miracle called the GREAT AMERICAN EXPERIMENT. After the factual really free enterprise system build the strongest economic engine here came the Economist claiming to understand a better method to regulate and protect the people from normal business cycles and natural agriculture droughts.Well we now see the results of such desires to CONTROL [regulate or make regular] the economic engines based on some created metrics. The world argues over the metrics selected but no the inaccuracies of the guess on history results. To accomplish this MAKE REGULAR desire humans have given up freedom of economic activity yield to huge taxes to pay for the regulation and studies to reconstruct history and then to extrapolate to show some contrived future. It is PURE BLACK MAGIC.We the People must RESTORE THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION AND END THE LIMITS ON FREEDOMS AND LIBERTY. The following research site for Constitutional - American History - world government history. Many free books, ebooks, Founders papers, classic works, it is all here use the buttons and pull down tabs to navigate the site, Hope you enjoy - it has no ads, no cookies, no tracking, it is a complete free site.
- Meet Doctor Watson from the IBM University he teaches every subject and every class and charges ZERO. Yes Watson is on his way but for now he is doing customer service for AT&T and research for private enterprises. But he will arrive at a virtual school near you soon - interactive one on one instruction by the best informed source on planet earth.
- THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013
Shocker: Desalinization Breakthrough as Memes Fall One by One
By Staff Report2Method for Making Cheap, Clean Water Is Announced ... Pentagon weapons-maker finds method for cheap, clean water ... A defense contractor better known for building jet fighters and lethal missiles says it has found a way to slash the amount of energy needed to remove salt from seawater, potentially making it vastly cheaper to produce clean water at a time when scarcity has become a global security issue. The process, officials and engineers at Lockheed Martin Corp say, would enable filter manufacturers to produce thin carbon membranes with regular holes about a nanometer in size that are large enough to allow water to pass through but small enough to block the molecules of salt in seawater. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter. – ReutersDominant Social Theme: Water is in scarce supply.Free-Market Analysis: This is a shocker. In another article in this issue we pointed out that bigness did not guarantee creativity and usually retarded it, from what we can tell.But there is no doubt that given the trillions – literally – tossed at the scientific community, now and again Big Research comes up with a breakthrough.Usually, of course, the breakthrough appears incremental rather than of a foundational nature. And often there are others working on the same project and only lavish corporate funding allows Big Research to get there sooner.But nonetheless, a breakthrough is a breakthrough. And this sounds like one. Here's more from the article:Because the sheets of pure carbon known as graphene are so thin - just one atom in thickness - it takes much less energy to push the seawater through the filter with the force required to separate the salt from the water, they said.The development could spare underdeveloped countries from having to build exotic, expensive pumping stations needed in plants that use a desalination process called reverse osmosis."It's 500 times thinner than the best filter on the market today and a thousand times stronger," said John Stetson, the engineer who has been working on the idea. "The energy that's required and the pressure that's required to filter salt is approximately 100 times less."Access to clean drinking water is increasingly seen as a major global security issue. Competition for water is likely to lead to instability and potential state failure in countries important to the United States, according to a U.S. intelligence community report last year."Between now and 2040, fresh water availability will not keep up with demand absent more effective management of water resources," the report said. "Water problems will hinder the ability of key countries to produce food and generate electricity."About 780 million people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water, the United Nations reported last year.As the only publication that regularly covers elite dominant social themes – the organizational promotions of Money Power – we are well aware of scarcity memes and how they figure into larger societal control.But lately these memes seem under attack by the very forces that have propounded them. It is very strange.The oil scarcity meme has been a mainstay of the powers-that-be for decades. But now thanks to fracking and other technology it is admitted that there is no shortage of oil either in the US or overseas. How this will affect the price of a barrel of oil remains to be seen.We've long maintained that water and food scarcity were two other elite memes that were being disseminated on a regular basis. The water scarcity meme seemed especially ludicrous as 70 percent of the world is covered in water and there are plenty of portable desalinization devices that can cleanse water of salt for relatively minor expenditures of energy and payments.The idea generally, from what we can tell, is to use scarcity memes to reinforce government solutions. Without fear, government loses a good deal of its luster – and even reason for being.It could be that the war on terror is providing governments around the world for all the justifications they need to continue and expand. But for the past decades, the West has been subject to vast scarcity promotions of all sorts.Is the "Age of Scarcity" suddenly coming to an end? As we are of the free-market persuasion, we never believed it to begin with. The market itself via the competition of the Invisible Hand can generally provide all that is needed if it is allowed to operate.Perhaps the Internet itself, and the constant barrage of information about scientific breakthroughs that have been withheld by the power structure for one reason or another is having an impact. Perhaps it is something else.Conclusion: We're not sure what is happening, or why. But we are intrigued.
- I have been using a RO system for about 7yrs, ya they require maintenance but well worth it. Good to see the technology advancing.
- I grew up in the water conditioning business we manufactured zeolite that goes in softners and we used de-ionization instead of RO - RO if far better and delivers a better quality water. If they can scale this up to major water plants then my old pickens day Nuclear plants and RO to use the entire 24/7/365 output and irrigate the arid SW and the 11 western States. The water will be sold along with the power so the entire project is self supporting. PS you can also get gold out of sea water for about $ 3,000 per oz.
- I have had zeolite in the shop for 10yr now, used it to remove the last 5% of water from distilled ethanol at the time. Was looking to produce fuel, great stuff Aluminum Silicate. It's also used to crack crude oil, may have stated it in the past.From what I gather, de-ionization is the next step in purity. More pure than the body should ingest, used in high end fish tanks and drug manufacture.I certainly enjoyed the article you posted about harvesting gold from sea water.
- I think a big part of the cost is the RO process. From there you would use electrolysis to break the salts down. This carbon membrane would reduce that cost. Wouldn't you also get magnesium, silver, and many other metals? This may have just become more viable than we believe at this time.
- If the total system is designed - the water will be sold to irrigate arid land which will increase the value of it by many times . . the cost of a standard design nuclear plant without law suits and delays would produce electricity at under $ .01 per KWH so if all the 100% of the output is sold plus the water income plus the metal income it is self financing and maybe even turn a profit.Yes with electrolysis to remover all the metals in sea water and some advancing of technologies it is very interesting to say the least.
- If WE THE PEOPLE are to stop all the usurping of the Constitution by the Judicial, legislative and executive branches of the Federal Central Government. The powers that they have stolen are given by the other branches to the usurper as in the case of Marbury V Madison and McCulloch V Maryland where the Supreme court gave itself powers that exceed Article III enumerated powers of the Judicial branch. The Legislatures of both the Federal and then the many States failed to reject the Courts absolute violations.Next the Courts returned the favor to the Legislative branch by expanding the Article I section 8 enumerated powers of the Federal government to include the use of introductory and clarify clauses, expanded or even changing the meaning of words to MODERNIZE the Constitution declaring it to be just a frame work or a living document that the Legislature and the Executive can change or modify it at will.As a Literalist and a believer that the Founders, Framers and Ratifiers SAID WHAT THEY MEANT and MEANT WHAT THEY SAID in the Constitution. After reading the Original Constitution many hundreds of times; I have found zero language that permits or even allows the current operation of the Courts and legislative or executive usurping. Even Jefferson acknowledged that a ARTICLE V amendment would be required for him to BUY LOUISIANA and he did not have time – he just decided to usurp and Congress let him get away with the action – Adams created the Alien and Sedation act [like the NDAA] speak against the government go to jail – maybe..Income tax when made progressive rate [tax one higher than others in percentage] is not permitted as redistribution is just not allowed in the Constitution. As James Madison said – He could not find any authority to give charity from the Treasury. Madison went on to describe where we appear to be today – - -James Madison, Congressional Limitations on Using Money for the General Welfare.
If Congress can apply money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may establish teachers in every State, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public Treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post roads.In short, every thing, from the highest object of State legislation, down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress; for every object I have mentioned would admit the application of money, and might be called, if Congress pleased, provisions for the general welfare.James Madison, remarks on the House floor, debates on Cod Fishery bill, (February 1792).
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